有关luck 的中考题(浅谈come在中考中的主要应用)

come是一个非常基础的词汇,但是在中考阶段,它的含义和用法真可谓丰富多彩啊,下面Pan带大家一起去学习吧,我来为大家科普一下关于有关luck 的中考题?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!

有关luck 的中考题(浅谈come在中考中的主要应用)

有关luck 的中考题


1. I hope his dream comes true. (译林课本 7AU2)

在这个句子中,come是连系动词,后面加形容词true作表语,come true则是“希望,愿望等实现,成为现实”的意思。这句话有一个难点,就是在 I hope, Let’s see, Let’s assume, I suppose, I bet (you)等后面接宾语从句的时候,从句可以用一般现在时,也可以用一般将来时,习惯上用将来时的多。

2. Here comes Sandy. (译林课本 7AU8)

该句是一个方位副词提前引起的倒装句,我们在运用过程中要注意两点:1. 该句表达的是“进行时”的概念,意思是Sandy正在过来,而不是Sandy经常过来,所以这句话不能改成进行时;2. 当主语是代词的时候,不能倒装,比如: Here he comes.

3. He is always the first to come to school in our class. (译林课本7BU1)

该句的come是“到达”的意思,和to连用,意思相当于arrive at/in, get to, reach等。

4. Sandy always comes first in her class. (译林课本 7BU1)

该句的come表达“位置,状态”, come first 是 receive the highest scores (成绩最优秀,考试最高分)的意思,要注意:我们不能表达成 come the first。

5. An old friend of mine is coming to see me, Hobo. (译林课本 7BU3)

该句的 is coming to see me相当于 is going to come to see me的含义,表达近期确定的安排,这种用法比用将来时更自然,类似用法的动词还有go, leave, stay, arrive, fly, walk, drive, ride, take, send, happen等。

6. Come on, Eddie. It’s just a plane. I saw one yesterday. (译林课本7BU5)

Come on, Hobo. Let’s enjoy ourselves! (译林课本 8AU3)

上述第一句话中come on的意思是“得了吧”,表示知道对方说的不正确;第二句话中的come on 则是“快点儿,加油”的意思。

7. Come and cheer for our team! (译林课本 8AU3)

该句中的and有时候可被省略,特别在美式英语中常被省掉,但是要注意口语中我们说come and do sth,不能说成come to do sth. 该句如果写成 Come to cheer for our team! 就错了。

8. It's cloudy and bright, and in April, the wind may come suddenly. (译林课本 8AU7)


9. Then the walls began to come down too! (译林课本 8AU8)

这句话中的come down意为 “崩塌”,即 break and fall to the ground 的意思。

10. He always comes up with good ideas. (译林课本 9AU1)

Come up with 是“想到,提出”的含义,近义词为think of, raise, put forward等,这句话为SVO(主谓宾)格式,虽然有宾语,但是要注意,come up with这个词组不能用于被动语态,也就是说 Good ideas are always come up with by him.这个句子就是一个病句。

11. When we read and come across new words, we can sometimes guess their meanings by the way they are formed. (译林课本 9AU4)

该句中的come across 是 “偶尔遇到” 的意思,相当于meet with, run into, happen to meet, meet ... accidentally, meet ... by accident, meet ... by chance等。

12. Sometimes two words come together to form a compound word, such

as blackboard. (译林课本 9AU4)

该句中的come together 意为“合成一体,结合,联合”的意思。

13.Come along, Doctor. (译林课本 9AU8)

come along的意思比较丰富,该句中是“一起来”的意思;除此以外,come along可以表达如下含义: 1. “到达”,比如A good chance has come along.; 2. “取得进步”,比如:Your English has come along lately.; 3. “快点”,比如:Come along, we are late.

14. This new robot comes in his favourite colours—red, blue and white.

(译林课本 9BU3)

这句话中的come比较有难度了,应该是中考阶段最难的一个知识点,句中的come in意思是“货物,产品等可提供,有货”的意思,我们来看个例句:This dress comes in pink and white. 这种裙子有粉色和白色两种颜色。

15. It comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. (NCE II, Lesson 90)

该句摘自《新概念英语 II》第90课。我们来分析下该句子,可知it是形式主语,真实主语是to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs。也就是说原句是这样的To learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs comes as a surprise. 这样一看就清晰了,这里的come是“happen发生”的意思,即“北海石油钻井平台上的潜水员受到巨型鱼类的恐吓”作为“a surprise”发生了。


