















The World International Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO), desiring to establish a mutually supportive relationship between them, and with a view to establishing appropriate agreements for cooperation between them, agree as follows:…

与wish或want相比desire较正式;相比in order to, with a view to为正式用语。



In case one party desire to sell or assign(转让) all or part of his investment subscribed, the other party shall have the preemptive(优先购买的)right.(此句中的assign和preemptive都是法律用语)

常见的英文合同术语:accord and satisfaction, consideration, contemplate, convenience, defect, encumbrance, envisage, ex prate, frustration, jurisdiction, principal, remedy, restitution, specific performance, surely, survive, tort, unilateral contract, variance, waive.


在商务合同中,迄今还大量使用中古英语词汇,最常见的形式是here、there、where加上介词而构成的复合副词。在这些词语中,here代表this,three代表that,where代表which并引出从句。经常在同一合同中有些名词会被多次提及,使用这些古英语词汇不但可以避免用词重复和文句过长而且还使合同语句简练、准确、有说服力。常见这类词:hereinafter, whereas, whereby等。例如:

This contract is made by and between China National Native Produce & Animal By - Products Corporation, Guangdong Native Produce Branch( hereafter called the seller) and American Trading Co, Ltd( hereafter called the buyer ) whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under - mentioned goods in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below. 句中hereafter 把卖方的名称由 12 个单词减至一个 “seller”使合同语言显得简洁。Whereby不仅仅使意思表达更加的明确,更体现出英语合同语言措词的准确性以及合同的古文风格。使用这些古体词使得合同语言显得更加的规范和严谨。


在英文商务合同中我们不难见到以下用法:perform and fulfill(履行) rights and interests(权益), terms and conditions(条款), complete and final understanding(全部和最终的理解), customs fees and duties(关税), loss of and damage to(关税), null and void(无效), sign and issue(签发), furnish and provide(提供),rules and regulations(规章), as and when(当……的时候),即成双成对的使用意义差别很小的近义词、同义词,这样让合同的语言显得周密、严谨,减少了流动和争议。例句:

Each party to this Agreement shall perform and fulfill any of the obligation under this Agreement.本协议的各方均应履行协议规定的义务。(句中就是同义谓语动词的成对使用,perform 和fulfill 都是“履行”的意思,但是perform强调的是主观的努力,fulfill注重的是客观的结果。




Bona fide activity(慈善活动)、inter alia(还有其他事项)mutatia mutadandis(根据情况在细节上作必要修改)stare decisis(遵循先例)都是来源于拉丁语,在商务合同中一般以斜体出现。

法语在历史上对法律英语的形成和发展产生够较大的影响,很多法律词汇就是从法语中接过来的例如:bar(律师), suit(起诉、控告), complain(投诉), jury(陪审团), terms(条件、条款), claim(权利)等都来自法语。


在商务英语合同中,情态动词shall, shall not, may not, may, must很常用,而且它们在商务合同中所表达的含义与其在其他非法律应用文中所表达的含义有所不同。Shall, may, must, may not/shall not主要是分别指明合同双方当事人的权利即可做什么,当事人的义务即该做什么,规定做的即必须做什么,还有禁止做的即不能做什么。例如:

The insurance must be issued irrespective of percentage.

The Employer shall make a prepayment of 20﹪of the contact value to the Contractor within 10 days after signing the Contract.



Shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 800 metric tons each.句中的bimonthly既可以理解为“两个月一次”又可以理解为“一个月两次”;那么应装数量可以理解为“每两个月装一次每次装600吨”也可以翻译为“半个月装一次每次装600吨”这样就使装船的时间和数量都产生了歧义。因此,像这种意义模糊的词语就不能出现在商务合同中,或者在句中加以限制就避免这一缺陷如改成:Shipment is to be effected bimonthly at 600 metric tons each within May,2001.(在2001年5月份之内装运两次每次600吨。)


在商务合同中很少出现人称代词,而且即使出现了人称代词通常都是泛指。合同的起草人经常用the said 或 the same 加上一个名词来指代前文中提到的名词。例如:

The seller shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or nondelivery of the goods due to Force Majeure. However , the seller shall advise the buyer immediately of such occurrence and within fourteen days thereafter ,shall send by airmail to the buyer a certificate issued by the competent government authorities of the place where the accident has occurred as evidence thereof .Under such circumstances the seller, however ,it still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods .In case the accident lasts for more than 10 weeks ,the buyer shall have the right to cancel this contract .


If any disagreement arises, the said(上文中所提到的)treaty shall be applied.

No one may engage in securities business without approval of the same authority.




whereas 鉴于

in witness whereof 作为协议事项的证据

now this presents witness 兹特立约为据

for and on behalf of … 代表某人

per pro. = procurationem 代表代理

名词性短语居多 相比之下动词词组无论是在使用数量和结构的复杂性程度上都不及名词词组,因此在商务合同中出现本该出现动词短语的部分却转化成了名词短语,显得很轻巧。例如:

The Contractor shall not knowingly do or omit to do anything which may adversely affect an orderly transfer of responsibility for provision of the Services.(句中的transfer responsibility转化成了transfer of responsibility,而provision Services转化成了provision of the Services)



support 转化成 in support of;violate转化成为in violate of;default转化成 in default of;break 转化成in break of.

All such minutes ,records ,and reports shall be on file at the FIB offices.该句中“存档”用的是“on file”而不是用的动词短语“be file”。

常见的商务合同中动词转化成形容词短语的句子有:inclusive转化为be inclusive of;exclude长转化为be exclusive of.如:

Your salary inclusive of any overtime payment from the date of commencement of your contract will be USD AMOUNT IN FIGURE (USD Amount in Words) and will be paid in arrears at the end of the month.

The foregoing states the sole and exclusive liability of the parties hereto for infringement of patents, copyrights, mask works, trade secrets trademarks, and other proprietary rights, whether direct or contributory,



All right and all design elements resulting from the Services shall vest in and be the absolute property of Party A.该句中的分词短语resulting from the Services就起到了使句子结构紧密,表达简单的效果,并且替代了定语从句“which result from the Services”。

All property of the Contractor while at the Premises shall be at the risk of Contractor and the Department shall accept no liability for any loss or damage however occurring thereto or caused thereby except where any such loss or damage was caused or contributed to by any act, neglect or default of any Servant of thereby Crown at the Premises acting in the course of his employment.句中的“however occurring thereto or caused thereby”就替代了状语从句“however it will be occur thereto or be caused thereby”。




Questions concerning matters governed by this convention which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the general principles on which it is based or , in the absence of such principles , in conformity with the law applicable by virus of the rules of private international law .(主从复合句)

Where a foreigner or enterprise applies for trademark registration in China, the matter shall be handled in acceptance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the applicant belongs and the People’s Republic of China, or on the basic of the principle of reciprocity. ( 综合复杂句)



The WTO Secretariat shall transmit to the International Bureau, free of charge, a copy of the laws and regulations received by the WTO Secretariat from WTO Members under Article 63.2 of the TRIPS Agreement in the language or languages and in the form or forms in which they were received, and the International Bureau shall place such copies in its collection.



除if之外与“假如、如果”相关的还有if and whenever, in the event that/in the event of, where, should ,in case/in case of, on condition that/on the conditions that, insofar as/in so far as等。

关于“有权做”的表达有may do, shall/will have the right to do, shall have the right (but not obligation ) to do, be entitled to sth., be entitled to do, reserve the right to do, be (duly) authorized to do, have the authority to do, do sth. at one’s option, be at liberty to do, sth rests with sb. to do 等。

在英语商务合同中表“应当做”也举不胜举如:shall do, have the legal obligation to do, be obliged to do, be under the obligation for/to do, shall be liable to do, be responsible to do, be required to do, be one’s account/responsibility等。



Nothing in Article 12.3 shall prevent Party A or any of its affiliation from continuing to carry on any of their present businesses(否定提前).

Should Company at its sole option elect to further investigate the validity of Contractor `s proposal ,Company shall advise Contractor in writing accordingly(省略if的句子).



Licensee may terminate this Contract 60 days after a written notice thereof is sent to Licensor upon the happening of one of the following events:

a. Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed;

b. The patent described in Article 2 is not issued within 30 days from signing this Contract;

c. Licensor fails to perform its obligations under this Contact.



The rules and regulations of the work-site shall be observed by workers.

Workers shall observe the rules and regulations of the work-site.




The buyer must, whenever he is entitled to determine the time for shipping the goods an /or the port of destination, give the sufficient notice thereof.

The seller must, subject to the provisions of B6, pay, where applicable, the cost resulting from A3 a ) ,all cost relating to the goods.(句中划线部分都为插入成分)



A. All persons, except those who are 60 years old or order, may be employed by this enterprise (间接表达)

B. All persons who are less than 60 years old may be employed by this enterprise。(直接表达)



All members shall give the United Nations every assistance to any action it takes in accordance with the present Chapter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state which the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.



Due to its nature, EQUIPMENT shall be held in MANUFACTURER premises at ABC Co., Ltd, 3, Xinghua Yizhi Road, Xiqing Economic Development Zone, Tianjin , 300381 P. R China as to be further used in the manufacturer of PRODUCTS. The parties herein agree that, with no cost to PURCHASER, MANUFACTURER shall hold the EQUIPMENT free from risks, losses and encumbrances and, shall also keep equipment in good operating condition, as to be further returned to PURCHASER when requested. 句中结构对等的短语(划线部分)使句子层次鲜明、节奏感强。




Chapter 1 Definitions

Unless the items or context of this Contract otherwise provides, the following terms have the meaning set out below:

“Special Equipment” means all technical equipment which is necessary and special for manufacturing Cooperative Produced Products,



Actual names and specifications of PRODUCTS are shown in Appendix one.

Details of the information offered by Party By to Party A are show in Appendix two.

三、 结束语 在国际商务交际中,订立合同是为了保证合同双方当事人成功合作, 而达到这种目的的前提条件是合同必须公正。商务英语合同是国际商务活动重要的法律文件,因此合同的草拟人必须了解与合同有关国家的法律、法规、和条例的规定,以及国际惯例中的各项规则。商务英语合同的用语要规范, 措词须严谨、精确, 内容应简洁、 易懂, 结构要清晰。商务英语合同有其鲜明和独有的特征, 只有学习并深入了解这些特征, 才能熟悉和掌握商务英语合同的写作和翻译。


