

A group of farmers in Nigeria is using a technology-based method to grow crops from moisture in the air.


The method, known as aeroponics, does not involve soil. Instead, plant roots hang in the air. The roots take in a nutrient solution from a watery mist.


Aeroponics is not well-known in Nigeria, but farmers there are working to make the technique more popular.


The technique could make a big difference in places like the city of Abeokuta. Violence and desertification -- the process by which fertile land becomes desert -- have made huge amounts of land unfarmable.


Biochemist Samson Ogbole is popularly known as Nigeria's smart farmer. He and his team are growing crops without soil at the technology-based farm they started three years ago in Abeokuta.

生化学家Samson Ogbole被普遍认为是一位富有智慧的尼日利亚农民。三年前他和他的团队在Abeokuta的科技农场开始种植不需要土壤介质的农作物。

Ending food scarcity 结束食物短缺

Ogbole say they are on a campaign to end seasonal food scarcity in Nigeria.


"Because we are the ones controlling everything that the plant requires, we are not depending on seasons. So it's no longer seasonal farming. It is just farming anytime of the year, meaning you can plant anytime of the year, we can harvest anytime of the year."


But setting up the aeroponic farm was not easy. It required financing of more than $180,000, Ogbole said. And, some people in Abeokuta were very much against this non-traditional method of farming.


"We were called wizards, demons, that we are doing something unnatural."


He added that it took a lot of effort to change people's minds about aeroponics.


Farming difficulties 耕种困难

In Nigeria, about 30 million hectares of farmland is being used, instead of the 78.5 million hectares required for food security.


In the north, communal conflict, militancy and desertification are the top reasons the farmland is being lost. And only 49 percent of the land is fertile, a situation that worries traditional farmers like Abubakar Ibrahim.

在北方,地方冲突,军事斗争和沙漠化是农田丧失的主要原因。而且只有49%的土地是肥沃的,这一状况让像Abubakar Ibrahim这样的传统农民感到担忧。

"I don't have any other place that I'll go to farm apart from here," he said. "And here, already the land has become weak."


No land needed 无需土壤

Aeroponics, however, does not require traditional farm work or much land. Nutrients for the plants are controlled by a recycling system, greatly increasing productivity.


Philip Ojo is director general of Nigeria's National Agricultural Seeds Council. He says the government welcomes new farming methods. Philip Ojo是尼日利亚国家农业种子委员会(National Agriculture Seed Council)的总干事。他说政府欢迎新的耕作方法。

Ojo noted that with aeroponics, farmers can quickly increase planting materials, especially when using the method on root vegetables such as cassava and yam. So, his group strongly supports the technology.


The agricultural industry represents about 40 percent of Nigeria's economy. The government wants to greatly expand this percentage.


For now, most farmers lack the technical knowledge to increase productivity. They also need access to high-quality seeds to guarantee better harvests.


Technologically skilled farmers like Samson Ogbole are offering a new way forward.

像Samson Ogbole这样被科技武装了的新型农民正在提供一种新的前进道路。


