
1. acquaint /ə'kwent/ vt. (with) 使了解 The Internet and newspapers acquaint us with recent happenings around the world. 互联网和报纸使我们能及时了解天下之事,今天小编就来聊一聊关于四六级英语单词打卡的目的小总结?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



1. acquaint /ə'kwent/ vt. (with) 使了解 The Internet and newspapers acquaint us with recent happenings around the world. 互联网和报纸使我们能及时了解天下之事。

2. advantage /əd'væntɪdʒ/ n. 优点;好处 Every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。

3. certificate /sɚ'tɪfɪkɪt/ n. 证书,执照 These three certificates establish a claim against you for quality discrepancy. 这三份证明书证实质量不符,所以我们向贵公司提出索赔。

4. civil /'sɪvl/ adj. 公民的,国内的;民用的;民事的;文明的 Until now, Gone with the Wind, a film about the American Civil War, has still been regarded as the best Hollywood make. 直到现在,《乱世佳人》(《飘》)这部关于美国内战的影片仍被认为是好莱坞的扛鼎之作。

5. conflict /'kɑnflɪkt/ n. 冲突;战争;vi. 冲突 Do American immigration laws conflict with any international laws? 美国的移民法与国际法有抵触吗?

6. counter /'kaʊntɚ/ n. 柜台;筹码;计数器;vt. 反驳;ad. 反方向地 I countered her arguments by pointing out the advantages of my plan. 我指出自己所做计划的优点以反驳她的论点。

7. detective /dɪ'tɛktɪv/ n. 侦探 Edgar Allan Poe’s The Murders in the Rue Morgue is considered the world's first real detective story. 埃德加·爱伦·坡的小说《莫格街谋杀案》被认为是世界上第一本真正的侦探小说。 8. dismiss /dɪs'mɪs/ vt. 不再考虑;解雇;解散;驳回 Bryant claims he was unfairly dismissed from his post. 布赖恩特声称自己被无理免职。

9. evident /'ɛvɪdənt/ adj. 明显的 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. (Thomas Jefferson) 我们认为这些真理不证自明——人皆生而平等。(托马斯·杰斐逊)

10. filter /'fɪltɚ/ n. 滤器;v. 过滤;(消息等)走漏 All drinking water must be filtered. 饮用水都必须过滤净化。

11. govern /'ɡʌvɚn/ vt. 统治;支配 Britain has a queen, but it is the prime minister and the cabinet who govern. 英国有女王,但执政的是首相和内阁。

12. inhabitant /ɪn'hæbɪtənt/ n. 居民 American Indians were the earliest inhabitants of America. 美洲印第安人是美洲最早的居民。 13. lodge/lɑdʒ/ vi. 借宿;vt. 供……以临时住宿;n. 乡间小屋 The travelers lodged in motels every night. 这些旅行者每晚都借宿汽车旅馆。

14. intermediate /ˌɪntɚ'midɪət/ adj. 中间的;中级的 The pupa is at an intermediate stage of development; it is intermediate between the egg and the adult butterfly. 蛹是蝴蝶发育的中间阶段,介于卵和成虫之间。

15. jealous /'dʒɛləs/ adj. 妒忌的;精心守护的 Some girls easily get jealous of other girls’ beauty. 有些女孩容易妒忌其他女孩的美貌。

16. loose /lus/ adj. 松的;不精确的;自由的 The older you become, the looser your skin will be. 年纪越大,皮肤就会越松弛。

17. loosen /'lusn/ v. 解开;松弛 You should loosen up (your muscles) before and after doing physical exercises. 运动前后,应该放松一下(肌肉)。

18. necessity /nə'sɛsəti/ n. 必需品;必要(性) Those refugees lack money even for basic food and water-the necessities of life. 那些难民没钱买起码的食品和水等生活的必需品。

19. objection /əb'dʒɛkʃən/ n. 反对;反对的理由 “What do you think of my proposal?” “I don't have any objection to it.”“你觉得我的建议怎么样?”“我没异议。”

20. preface /ˈprefɪs/ n. 序言 The characteristics of this book are mentioned on the cover and in the preface. 本书的特色在封面和前言都有提及。

21. proportion /prə'pɔrʃən/ n. 比例;部分;均衡 The proportion of boys to girls is usually about four to one in science and engineering colleges. 理工大学的男女生比例通常是4:1。

22. render /'rɛndɚ/ vt. 使得;给予;翻译 Fatness renders a person clumsy. 身体肥胖使人笨拙。

23. representative /'rɛprɪ'zɛntətɪv/ n. 代表;adj.(of)有代表性的 In Britain, representatives in the House of Commons are elected by the British people. 在英国,下议院代表是英国人民选出的。

24. somehow /'sʌmhaʊ/ ad. 用某种方法;不知怎么地 Maybe we could glue it together somehow or other. 说不定我们会有办法把它给粘起来。

25. somewhat /'sʌmwʌt/ ad. 稍微,有点 It is somewhat difficult to answer this question. 要回答这个问题有点困难。

26. specify /'spɛsɪfaɪ/ vt. 明确说明 It is against federal law in the U.S. to specify skin colour in a newspaper ad for roommates. 在美国,在报纸广告上具体指明合租者必须是某种肤色是违反联邦法律的。

27. strategy /'strætədʒi/ n. 战略,策略 Mao Zedong was a great strategist skilled in military strategy. 毛泽东是一位善于制定军事策略的伟大的军事战略家。

28. typical /'tɪpɪkl/ adj. 典型的 The architecture of the Chinese imperial garden the Old Summer Palace has a typical baroque style—highly ornate and extravagant. 中国帝王御花园圆明园的建筑风格是典型的巴洛克风格——装饰极其奢华。 29. vice /vaɪs/ n. 缺点;邪恶,恶行 Greed, jealousy, dishonesty and lewdness are considered to be vices; and of all vices, lewdness is the worst. 贪婪、嫉妒、欺诈和淫欲被视为恶行,而万恶淫为首。

30. appetite /'æpəˌtaɪt/ n. 胃口;欲望 A good appetite is a good sauce. (谚)饥不择食。(好胃口是好的调味汁。)



