On December 17, 2021SydFest International Independant Festival, organised by the Indie Filmmakers Incorporated, launched an opening ceremony at the PIA Cultural Center in Olympic Park, with over 100 representatives from the film and television industry, overseas Chinese community and business community attending the event. The organisers strictly complied with the safe-covid measures by limiting the number of guests, double dose vaccination requirements, wearing masks,disinfection ect.
SydFest is an annual festival celebrating Australian and international independent films, dedicated to supporting and honoring independent filmmakers from around the world, showcasing their best works, and promoting exchanges and cooperation between Australian and international film and television.
Dr. Huajie ZHANG, Honorary Chair Judge of the SydFest, made a welcome remarks, saying that the spirit of independence is very important in this era and he believed that filmmakers who have passed the ordeal and test of the epidemic will submit better works. He also thanked all the sponsors and jury members of the festival, especially the filmmakers and independent filmmakers for their hard work and professional attitude, and expressed his hope that the films in this year's competition would provide an opportunity for everyone to rethink love, family and the value of personal existence.
Director Yunshan, Chair Jury of SydFest, mentioned that this Independent Film Festival provides a platform for independent filmmakers to communicate and showcase their dreams and souls from different ethnic groups and cultures, which blossom in SydFest. May every independent filmmaker have a sincere perception, independent thinking, and free expression.
Dr. Lin Wendeng, judge, the representative of sponsor and the president of the Fujian Entrepreneurs' Association Inc(AFEAI), said in his speech that the festival is a highly anticipated cultural feast for all people, and that the festival is a bridge for humanistic exchange, allowing the audience to fully appreciate the local customs and cultural heritage of different countries and deepen their understanding and appreciation of each other's culture. The film is a bridge of cultural exchange, allowing the audience to fully appreciate the local customs and cultural heritage of different countries and deepen their understanding and appreciation of each other's culture.
本届独立电影节在执⾏总监Tony Yang和活动总监Henry Qu的极⼒促成下收到了来⾃世界各地的80部参展作品,并在12⽉17- 18⽇于PIA剧场举办的三场展映会中放映了36部甄选⼊围作品。
The festival received 80 entries from all over the world through the efforts of Executive Director Tony Yang and Event Director Henry Qu, and screened 36 selected films in three sessions during the 2-day event between 17 & 18 December at the PIA Theatre.
Although independent films cannot compete with major productions in terms of budget, their continued exploration of different dimensions and depths gives them a diverse appeal and unique value. Thus, with the fertile soil of Australia's pluralistic society, 2021SydFest presents an audiovisual feast that not only covers a wide range of film categories, but also includes entries from China and Australia, as well as from Canada, France, Sri Lanka and other countries etc.
SydFest hosted the China Australia Film Forum in the afternoon of day two which featured a panel of 8 guests from the film industry. They were directors, producers, art directors, actors and educators from China and Australia, each with their own perspective on film and the film industry. Nevertheless, when it came to indie films’ positioning and their audience, they all agreed that putting culture, language and identity aside, the ultimate goal is to explore human and human only. The discussion, which brought up a number of critical opinions and behind-the-scenes stories among the guests, later ended after an entertaining and yet informative Q&A session that invited participation from the exciting audience.
独立电影节在18⽇晚的颁奖仪式为活动迎来⾼潮。从不同题材的最佳电影评选到评审团⼤奖的⾓逐中, 由四位主要评委、⼋位独⽴电影⼈评委和五位嘉宾评委代表组成的评审团在此前的两个⽉时间⾥对所有电影给出了专业的判断并对其⼀⼀进⾏评定,⽆论从阵容还是评选流程来看都堪⽐其他⼤型电影节。
The highlight of the SydFest was the award ceremony held in the evening of day two. Films that competed in their own categories had to be each reviewed by a jury of 4 main judges, 8 indie filmmakers and 5 guest judges over the last two months. This process gave the audience the confidence that all titles had been fairly reviewed and the quality of the awards were guaranteed.
在众多优秀作品中,《The Gambling City》以“稳健⼜极具张⼒的影像与节奏把控”被评委⼀致认为是“兼具现实关切与现代性的有感染⼒的佳作”,摘得「评审团⼤奖」。另外,极受关注的独⽴电影《Trust Frank》获得评委会的⾼度评价,认为其“对⼈性的切⼊⾓度与表现很别致…是⼀部举重若轻的精巧诚恳之作”,被评为「最佳故事⽚」。当然,除了专业观点以外,观众的选择也不能忽略。「最佳⼈⽓奖」正是让观众也有机会能参与到评选过程中,与评审团共同为好电影喝彩,最终同样由《Trust Frank》获得。在奖项设置⽅⾯,另⼀亮点是与⾮赢利组织联⼿专为关注弱势群体设⽴的「最佳关爱短⽚电影」奖项,让独立电影节在专注创作和专业视⾓的同时更体现出⼈性与关怀的⼀⾯,⽽且此奖项将⻓期设⽴, 让更多⼈透过电影语⾔了解弱势群体的⽣活。
Among the shortlisted titles, “The Gambling City” won the Grand Jury Award with its “powerful and dramatic pictures as well as how the story unfolded”, making it “a touching piece that is both realistic and modern”.
One of the most anticipated indie films “ Trust Frank” were already critically acclaimed and went away with Best Drama Award because of how “it showcases human nature from an interesting angle…in a way that is clever, brilliant, and honest”. Of course, a film festival wouldn’t be complete without the participation of the audience. After an exciting and fun voting round, “Trust Frank” was also awarded the Audience Award.
Unlike many other film festivals, the SydFest teamed up with a non-profit organisation to present a special award category dedicated to vulnerable groups. The Awareness Award goes beyond professional film making to encourage love and care for those who needs the most support through storytelling, and the category will be permanently included in all future festivals.
Due to the pandemic, many filmmakers from other countries couldn’t attend the SydFest, but it is just another evidence of how it has already made an international presence despite being young and humble. As a Chinese film festival, the outcome is already outperforming expectation. The organiser - Indie Filmmaker Incorporated - states that with all the support from different parties, they are confident their mission will keep helping more indie filmmakers with their projects. Not only that, they will team up with schools in Australia and film institutes in China to offer more support to new blood in the industry by providing training, education, and opportunities to participate in real-life projects. As the network builds, it will become a new bridge and platform
The festival not only enriched the cultural and artistic life of the people in the epidemic, but also injected new energy into the Australian film industry, and brought more attention and understanding to the development of independent films and independent filmmakers.
The aim of the event organizer, the Indie Filmmakers Incorporated, is to provide a platform for film people of all languages and backgrounds to explore more possibilities for cooperation and exchange. We hope that in a year's time, we will not only see more works from the world, but also more films and people coming together for the event.
Acknowlegement of the sponsors and supporters:
Acknowledgement of media supporers:
(文、摄影、编辑:Brighton、Dong Li、Fanny、Sammi、Lanmu、Jingcheng、Ramon等)