
2024-06-11 08:18:13
  • 十二生肖年的英文表达

    鼠:Rat,牛:Ox,虎:Tiger,兔:Hare 龙:Dragon,蛇:Snake,马:Horse 羊:Sheep,猴:Monkey,鸡:Cock 狗:Dog, 猪:Boar 这是地支 生肖的说:...

  • 永不言败英文

    never admit being defeated。昂扬永不言败的团队精神。Team spirit: high-spirited and never give up. 那个为超越她永不言败的我,不知...

  • 这个用英语怎么说的英文

    “这个用英语怎么说”的英文:how to say this in English?say 读法:英 [seɪ]美 [seɪ] v.说;讲;告诉;念;朗诵;背诵;表达,表述(见解)n.决定权;发言权。i...

  • 做饭用英语怎么说

    做饭:cook;do the cooking; prepare a meal;cook rice。例句:When you cook, could you please tidy up after yo...

  • 落后的英文怎么写

    “落后”在英文中可以这么写:fall behind;lag behind; backward。例句:(1)“落在后面”: fall behind;lag behindBe modest and pru...

  • 炒土豆丝做法英文

    prepare material:potatoes,onion , Chili peppers,Red pepper,Garlic,Ginger,oil,Chinese prickly,vinegar...

  • 考虑的英文短语

    think over读音:英 [θiŋk ˈəuvə] 美 [θɪŋk ˈovɚ], 仔细考虑;重新考虑;掂掇;忖量。例句:I suggest you think over your position...

  • 性感的英文单词怎么写

    “性感”英文单词:sexy,读法英[seksi]美[seksi] 。短语:sexy girl 性感女孩;性感女郎。示例:The effect is soft and pretty rather tha...

  • 说英文的英语怎么说

    说英语的英语:speak English。He doesnt speak English.他不会讲英语。Though born to some other language, they speak E...

  • 不好吃用英语怎么说

    不好吃的英文有三种说法:taste yucky;doesnt taste good;taste bad.例句:whats the matter?It doesnt taste good?怎么了,不好吃...

  • 英语中你怎么了怎么说

    What is wrong with you;Is that what you got;What hened to you;Whats?the?matter?with?you。在“Whats w...

  • 在几月几号用in还是on

    英语在几月几号是用on。日期用定冠词the加序数词表示。在哪一天要添加介词on。National Day is on Oct. 1.国庆节是十月一日。(读作 October first)此句也可以表示...

  • 表达的英文

    [词典]deliver; express; show; voice;[例句](1)我不能向任何人表达我内心深处的感情。I could not express my innermost feelings...

  • 表达的英语

    表达的英文是express,读音:英[ɪkˈspres]美[ɪkˈspres]。例句:我们用词句来表达思想。We express our thought by means of words.诗人表达了...

  • 八月英文缩写怎么写

    8月英文缩写:Aug,是August的缩写;August,at the end of August 在八月底。双语例句:Her birthday is on the fifth of August 她...

  • 白色英文怎么读

    白色英文:white,读音:英 [waɪt]美 [waɪt],释义:adj. 白色的;纯洁的;白种的;加牛奶的 n. 白色;白种人。用作形容词 (adj.)This parapet is white....

  • 葡萄英文怎么读

    grape英[ɡreɪp]美[ɡreɪp],n.葡萄。[例句]The hot weather had shrivelled the grapes in every vineyard. 天气炎热,各家葡...

  • 虹英文怎么读

    rainbow,英 [reɪnbəʊ] 美 [renbo] ,n. 虹;五缤纷的排列;幻想,adj. 五缤纷的;虹状的;vt. 使呈虹状。例句:Now I can see the rainb...

  • 春节英文怎么写

    the Spring Festival英[ðə sprɪŋ ˈfestɪvl]美[ðə sprɪŋ ˈfestɪvl],春节。例句:Even if you book/ reserve tickets...

  • 好吃英文怎么说

    delicious读法:英 [dɪlɪʃəs] 美 [dɪlɪʃəs]释义:adj. 美味的;可口的。例句:The bannock is delicious.这种薄饼很可口。tasty读法:英 [te...
