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时间:2021-10-13 00:38:21 python机器人开发
'''walk:small example to make nao walk''' import sys import motion import time from naoqi import alproxy def stiffnesson(proxy): #we use the 'body' to signify the collection of all joints pname = "body" pstiffnesslists = 1.0 ptimelists = 1.0 proxy.stiffnessinterpolation(pname,pstiffnesslists,ptimelists) def main(robotip): #init proxies try : motionproxy = alproxy( "almotion" ,robotip, 9559 ) except exception,e: print "could not create proxy to almotion" print "error was" ,e try : postureproxy = alproxy( "alrobotposture" ,robotip, 9559 ) except exception,e: print "could not create proxy to alrobotposture" print "error is " ,e #set nao in stiffness on stiffnesson(motionproxy) #send nao to pose init postureproxy.gotoposture( "standinit" , 0.5 ); #eable arms control by walk algorithm motionproxy.setwalkarmseable(true,true) #foot contact protection motionproxy.setmotionconfig([[ "enable_foot_contact_protection" ,true]]) #target velocity x = - 0.5 #backward y = 0.0 theta = 0.0 frequency = 0.0 #low speed motionproxy.setwalktargetvelocity(x,y.theta,frequency) time.sleep( 4.0 ) #target velocity x = 0.9 y = 0.0 theta = 0.0 frenqency = 1.0 #max speed motionproxy.setwalktargetvelocity(x,y,theta,frenquency) time.sleep( 2.0 ) #arms user motion #arms motion from user have alwalys priority than walk arms motion joinnames = [ "lshouderpitch" , "lshouderroll" , "lelbowyaw" , "lelbowroll" ] arm1 = [ - 40 , 25 , 0 , - 40 ] arm1 = [x * motion.to_rad for x in aram1] arm2 = [ - 40 , 50 , 0 , - 80 ] arm2 = [x * motion.to_rad for x in aram2] pfractionmaxspeed = 0.6 motionproxy.angleinterpolationwithspeed(joinnames,arms1,pfractionmaxspeed) motionproxy.angleinterpolationwithspeed(joinnames,arms2,pfractionmaxspeed) motionproxy.angleinterpolationwithspeed(joinnames,arms1,pfractionmaxspeed) #end walk x = 0.0 y = 0.0 theta = 0.0 motionproxy.setwalktargetvelocity(x,y,theta,frequency) if __name__ = = "__main__" : robotip = "" if len (sys.argv)< = 1 : print "useage pyhton robotip,default is" else : robotip = sys.argv[ 1 ] main(robotip) |
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