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时间:2022-04-04 11:34:33 python贪吃蛇项目介绍
import sys import random import pygame from pygame. locals import * # 目标方块的颜色 红色 redColor = pygame.Color( 255 , 0 , 0 ) # 游戏界面的背景颜色 纯黑色 blackColor = pygame.Color( 0 , 0 , 0 ) # 贪吃蛇的颜色 白色 whiteColor = pygame.Color( 255 , 255 , 255 ) # 定义游戏结束的函数 def gameOver(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() # 定义main函数 def main(): # 初始化pygame pygame.init() # 定义一个控制速度的函数 fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() # 创建显示层 playSurface = pygame.display.set_mode(( 640 , 480 )) # 界面的大小 pygame.display.set_caption( '贪吃蛇' ) # 初始化蛇的位置 snake_position = [ 100 , 100 ] # 初始化蛇的长度 snake_body = [[ 100 , 100 ],[ 80 , 100 ],[ 60 , 100 ]] # 初始化目标方块的位置 target_position = [ 300 , 300 ] # 目标方块的状态 target_flag = 1 # 初始化一个方向 direction = 'right' # 定义蛇的方向变量 changeDirection = direction while True : # pygame的交互模块和事件队列 for event in pygame.event.get(): # 是否推出 if event. type = = QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() # 判断键盘事件 elif event. type = = KEYDOWN: if event.key = = K_RIGHT: changeDirection = 'right' if event.key = = K_LEFT: changeDirection = 'left' if event.key = = K_UP: changeDirection = 'up' if event.key = = K_DOWN: changeDirection = 'down' if event.key = = K_SPACE: # 根据键盘反应确定方向 if changeDirection = = 'left' and not direction = = 'right' : direction = changeDirection if changeDirection = = 'right' and not direction = = 'left' : direction = changeDirection if changeDirection = = 'up' and not direction = = 'down' : direction = changeDirection if changeDirection = = 'down' and not direction = = 'up' : direction = changeDirection # 根据方向移动蛇头的坐标 if direction = = 'right' : snake_position[ 0 ] + = 20 if direction = = 'left' : snake_position[ 0 ] - = 20 if direction = = 'up' : snake_position[ 1 ] - = 20 if direction = = 'down' : snake_position[ 1 ] + = 20 # 蛇与自身的碰撞检测 for body in snake_body: if snake_position[ 0 ] = = body[ 0 ] and snake_position[ 1 ] = = body[ 1 ]: gameOver() # 蛇移动 snake_body.insert( 0 , list (snake_position)) if snake_position[ 0 ] = = target_position[ 0 ] and snake_position[ 1 ] = = target_position[ 1 ]: target_flag = 0 else : # 如果没吃到,蛇尾弹出栈 snake_body.pop() # 如果吃掉目标方块,重新生成一个目标方块 if target_flag = = 0 : x = random.randrange( 1 , 32 ) y = random.randrange( 1 , 24 ) # 20*20的像素为一个小矩形 target_position = [ int (x * 20 ), int (y * 20 )] target_flag = 1 # 绘制显示层 playSurface.fill(blackColor) # 绘制蛇 for position in snake_body: pygame.draw.rect(playSurface, redColor, Rect(position[ 0 ],position[ 1 ], 20 , 20 )) # 画目标方块 pygame.draw.rect(playSurface, whiteColor, Rect(target_position[ 0 ], target_position[ 1 ], 20 , 20 )) pygame.display.flip() # 判断死亡 if snake_position[ 0 ] > 620 or snake_position[ 1 ] < 0 : gameOver() elif snake_position[ 1 ] > 460 or snake_position[ 1 ] < 0 : gameOver() # 控制游戏的速度 fpsClock.tick( 5 ) if __name__ = = '__main__' : main() |
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