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Simply put, if you received professional trainingin economics and no longer rely on only human intuition to look at problems,the world may present a completely different, or even opposite, side in your eyes.

In economics, there are two most basic assumptions,and the first one is called the scarcity of resources.

We all know that the resources on Earth arelimited, for example land, raw materials, or even talented people. But some resources are intangible and don’t easily get noticed by us, such as time.

Rather than money or power, time is the most scarce and important resource for humans. It is fair to everyone regardless of wealth—everyone only has 24 hours a day. In our current society, even the most advanced technology can’t prolong your life to infinity.

You could say that in economics, the problems ofcost and price all need to take the factor of time resource into account. For example, if a restaurant makes delicious food with a cheap price, but islocated somewhere remote and difficult to find, then it is unlikely that itwill be able to keep open for a long time. In a business district, office areaor scenic spot, a restaurant with the same quality of food but higher pricewould still be chosen by people out of convenience.

The second assumption of economics is that humansare rational.

Although humans aren’t completely rationalanimals, this assumption is true in most cases. When humans make choices, we will weigh out the advantage and disadvantages or cost and profit, especially when dealing with problems that have been thought about for a long time or are repeatable.

Based on these two assumptions, economists cansyste matically analyze how people and society manage scarce resources. They cananalyze human behavior, social phenomena and come up with many conclusions,then use these as a foundation for making decisions. But to make rational decisions, only having an initial motive isn’t enough, a final purpose isalso required. That is efficiency.

Ordinary people value fairness, but economistsvalue efficiency. Fairness refers to how to split the pie evenly between everyone, while what economists care about is how to make the pie as big aspossible and eliminate waste.

Both fairness and efficiency are issues present inany problem. Take stealing as an example. If a thousand yuan was taken by athief, and the wealth passed from one person to another, ordinary people would find it very unfair.

However, from an economist’s point of view, the thousandyuan was merely transferred from Person A to Person B, with the wealth insociety only having shifted, and the total value not decreased. Doesn’t that sound really cold and callous?

But wait, the economist hasn’tfinished yet: if theft happens, to prevent it from happening again, we will install a security door. The cost of doing this is deducted from the 1000 yuan,so, our pie has shrunk. If the theft hadn’t happened, then our pie wouldn’t shrink, so from the economic point of view, theft is harmful to economic development.

In addition to being unethical, corruption wouldalso lower efficiency. How would a corrupt government official get money fromcompanies? He would first have to create some problems, which only he cansolve.

If companies don’t pay bribes, they won’t beable to develop, leading to the reduction of employment rates, and the lives ofordinary people would be affected. This is why we promote administrative simplification and reducing the process of administrative approval, which canboth fight corruption and increase efficiency.

Through scientific analysis, economists can seethings that our intuitions can’t. After listening to Mitzi’s explanation, have you alsobecome interested in economics? If you want to know more about pop-science,such as quantum physics, astronomy, chemistry, neuroscience, genes etcetera,you are welcome to follow Micius Salon, we will continue to release morepop-science videos.




