




What I saw, heard, felt and understood during my first visit to Tibet


Go to Tibet! Go to Lhasa to worship the Potala Palace! Many years ago, I had this wish. When I was in trouble, I was always worried about a few pieces of silver. I had no time and no money, so I couldn't start! Now that the company has quit its job, it is hard to live in Baoding. It is very depressed. It is drinking and eating meat. The Taoist industry is almost deserted. Yang Xu flies everywhere, the corners of his eyes itch, the nose is allergic, sneezes one after another, bends over his back, tears are wanton, the throat hurts and the head is heavy. It is really unpleasant. There is no turning around in the boot City, no appreciation, no taste. With the outbreak, Wutai can't go. It's better to take advantage of the recent leisure time to go to Tibet. It's 3500 kilometers. You can leave at any time. You can transfer to z21 at Shijiazhuang north station. It takes a total of 37 hours to drive one day and one night plus 13 hours. I haven't been on the train for such a long time in my life. Fortunately, I'm free, so I can wander slowly. I can also visit the scenery outside the window to get depressed and change my mood.


At 8:00 last night, the high-speed railway arrived in Shijiazhuang and took a taxi to the north of Shijiazhuang. At 22:38, the ticket check-in departure. There were not many people on the bus. The hard seat reclined and curled up for the whole night. This morning, I woke up at 4:00 a.m., rinsed my mouth and cleaned my face, and recited a long life Sutra. I was tired and tired. I lay flat and slept. I woke up again at 6:00 a.m., and I ate green onions with instant noodles and pancakes, which was regarded as breakfast.


At 14:32 at this time, the train arrived at Xining station. The scenery on the road had not yet reached the scenic spot. There were black and bumpy hills on the road. The mountains were barren with more rocks and less soil. There were no trees and less grass on the mountains. At the foot of the mountain, there were small yellow and delicate willows. In addition, several pink peaches and white pears were planted on some roads. It was only then that the spring breeze reached the northwest. It's a little hot at noon. There are endless mountains, gullies, gullies and canyons outside the window. The gray and black between the heaven and the earth is the background color, and sometimes some spring colors are smeared.


When entering Qinghai, the scenery is suddenly different. The mountains and the ground are yellow. The mountains are majestic and towering, and the tigers are crouching on the dragon's plate. They are also like giant animals. The only reason is that the land is short of water and dry. There are no green grass and trees on the surrounding mountains, and there is no vitality. Otherwise, the Geomatics masters would have found several Jixue dragon land goods and the rich families of the emperors. Qinghai Lake is a clear stream in the great Gobi and a natural emerald in the mountains. Overlooking the lake from afar, the water is blue and clear as glass. Who is blessed to report that the Dragon King lives in such a comfortable palace? Qinghai Lake is quiet and gentle. It has a sense of harmony with the desert scenery of the wind and sand. It is like a rough man with a beautiful girl. On the Bank of Qinghai Lake, yaks and sheep are swarming and gnawing at grass. At this time, the spring here is still on the road. The two main colors of green and red have not been evenly painted on the vast floor by spring girl. I see that the cattle and sheep are still chewing on dry yellow grass. The sky is vast and the grass is blowing. If so, the imagined yurt is not there. The city has progressed and replaced by short brick houses, Scattered on the field, there are usually two rows of bungalows, one row should be cattle and sheep stables, and the other row should be residential.


Under the setting sun, it should be the wind blowing and the sand blowing. The sky is hazy. Occasionally, there are streaks of water flowing in the river. The color is like mercury. There are eight or nine camels with brown fur. So far, the sheep, yaks, red horses, camels, fengma banner, white pagoda, wind sand and Gobi desert, which I think constitute the "eight major parts" of the "western customs", have been completed. The fengma banner on the mountain opposite Delingha station is 30 to 40 meters long, stretching from the top of the mountain to the ground. It is very impressive, and the religious atmosphere in the West has gradually become strong.


At Xining railway station, I met 5-6 young Tibetans walking together. One of the girls suddenly ran across from me and asked if this seat was available? I said that there was no one, so I got in touch with her. There was another girl who was inseparable from her. They were obviously best friends. They were both dark skinned, white teeth, slightly messy hair, and sincere smiles. They were Tibetan compatriots. I also felt friendly, so I chatted with them. One of them was Yongzhong Zhuoma, the other was CIREN BAM. Zhuoma was 17 years old and bam was 21 years old. They got on the bus from Xining, Get off at Lhasa, and then transfer the bus back to their hometown Xigaze. It took about 18 hours from knowing them to getting off at the terminal station Lhasa. During this period, the conversation time was not much, and the total time was not more than 1 hour. It was more because of the physical discomfort, tiredness and sleepiness caused by the altitude reaction. On the 13th, I gave three of them an apple for dinner. The next morning, it was still half a day away from Lhasa, or there was a long way to go at night. It was snowing and cooling, or the train was climbing high and climbing over the mountains. The plateau reaction was aggravated. So on the morning of the 14th, I still got up and recited a Buddhist Sutra of longevity. Then I continued to curl up on a narrow hard seat and sleep. When I woke up at about 8:00, I felt headache, nausea and fatigue. I saw Zhuoma and bam eating breakfast, which they bought on the train, When they saw me wake up and sit up, they gave me a bowl of rice porridge. I didn't want it. I insisted on giving it twice. I took it, lifted the lid, and drank it without chopsticks or spoons. I looked up and gave them some snacks, such as two cucumbers and some biscuits and dried tofu. As a token of gratitude, I gave them another cucumber after eating the porridge. The altitude reaction was still not slow. After eating the cucumbers, I slept for nearly an hour. After getting up, my headache worsened, and I suddenly felt nausea in my stomach, After he got up and vomited in the toilet, he expressed his oxygen aspiration to the steward. Soon after, the young Junlang steward brought a plastic oxygen tube, one end of which helped me insert it into the oxygen outlet under the seat, and the other end taught me to tie a knot and put it into my neck. Then he put two short contacts into the nasal cavity. For the first time, he "breathed oxygen", and the nasal cavity felt cool.


While taking oxygen, I looked out of the window to enjoy the blue sky, mountains and white clouds, especially the white clouds, which were generated by my heart. I thought to myself: "I am a pilgrim from a long distance to Tibet. After two nights and a day and a half, I will soon arrive at Lhasa." I could not help being excited and pious. I only saw many white clouds as strong as Buddha, Bodhisattvas and dragon heaven Dharma protectors. Some of them are roughly similar in outline, and some are indeed similar. For example, a cloud looks like Amitabha Buddha standing in a leading position, The top bun and the lotus stand in the hand are clearly distinguishable. One cloud looks like a standing Yang Zhi Guanyin, and another cloud looks like a cow with towering horns. I wonder if it is the god pearl of the ox king? There are other generals like riding horses, who are the so and so Dharma protectors... Of course, the wind blows the clouds and changes them. The above clouds are very similar at first glance in 20 seconds. After a while, they are pulled by the wind and changed into other shapes. It should be a reflection of the state of mind. Just as Master Wang Guowei said, "love is in the scene", and I am naturally rich in imagination. When I see the clouds show the magic three treasures and solemn Dharma, I can not help but cry and sigh! When I visited putuoluojia mountain in 2018, I took a picture of the five hundred arhat Pagoda with incense. After taking a look at it, I found that the clouds were clearly shaped and evolved into a kind smiling face of the mother Guanyin. The eyes, lips and noses were clearly recognizable. It was the face of a kind and smiling grandmother. There were also ten dragon girls and good money boys under the smiling face, At the bottom is the Standing Statue of the master of Putuo Mountain, Miaoshan elder in cassock. The more you look at it, the more you look at it, the more incredible it is. Bodhisattvas are everywhere!


At 12:28 noon, we finally arrived at Lhasa station. The 37 hour hard seat journey was finally one-way ended. We walked out of the carriage, took a breath of snow air, and fished out of the station. Looking back, we saw the mountains behind Lhasa station surrounded by snow. At this moment, it was hot at noon. The sun was bright and the fire was hot on our faces. The car body and rear-view mirror in the distance were dazzling, so we could not look directly at it. This scene is unique to Lhasa!


Looking at the scenery, I feel relaxed and my headache is relieved. Before I came to Lhasa, I reported to a local travel agency on the Internet that after I arrived in Lhasa, they personally sent a special car to pick me up and offer hada. Before my trip to Lhasa, I had many pictures in my mind that I had only seen on TV before: "young men or girls dressed in Tibetan costumes, with black and red faces and smiling hands, presented you with white hada and said 'Zhaxidele'...." who knows, after a code scan, Zhang Dakou was poked and stirred by a cotton swab to make nucleic acid, but no one greeted him, let alone hada. The good expectation was immediately lost. The agreed bus pick-up turned into a fight between me and a Gansu uncle. I sent a text message to a license plate number to ask myself to find it. After several rounds of searching, I couldn't find Huoda. Later, I sent a text message to change the factory number, and only when I got on the bus did I know that it was a random Didi. Gansu uncle suspected that I had got on the wrong bus and called for a long time, After a half-hour's drive, my uncle called the travel agency for confirmation, and I called for 29 minutes. Then, Gansu uncle should not trust the tour group after all. I didn't see him on the first day of the next day. The itinerary before you came to Lhasa changed when you arrived at the travel agency. It was said that you would not sign an agreement at a certain time and place, but only urge you to make up the balance. From noon to 12 pm on the 14th, the tour guide, the salesman who initially added wechat to promote you, and the self proclaimed staff of the travel agency would like to have 5-6 waves of people call you. It is "warm". When you really encounter difficulties and have a headache and fever at night due to altitude sickness, ask them to send a personal escort to the hospital for a visit, They made it clear that they didn't want to go, so they took a taxi and called the front desk of the hotel. They didn't care about it. The first night they had a headache and a fever, and they couldn't take a taxi to the people's Hospital of the autonomous region. The nurse on duty took a finger to show hypoxia. The temperature gun measured 36.5, and the thermometer clamped the armpit, 38.3. So they went to the fever clinic. The two confessions were that my sudden visit delayed the normal work, and the tone was not very good, Mixed with orders and boredom, I paid for chest CT, blood test and nucleic acid. Two hours before the test results came out, I was arranged to take oxygen in a small iron room. It was dark in Lhasa, and it was still very bright at 6:00 when I went to the hospital. When the test results showed that there was no problem, I was sent out for a hot diagnosis. It was nearly 10:00 in the evening, and it was dark. I went to the emergency room to register. The doctor gave me a box of medicine and took a taxi back to the hotel to take a pill, Mixed with a headache, hard to sleep.


The next morning, I felt a lot lighter. I officially started the first day of the tour with the group. It was said that Linzhi had a close contact and could not go there. The guide said that I would go to Gandan temple in the morning and Xiasi temple in Linzhou County in the afternoon. On the first day, I looked out the window at the distant mountains, streams, willows, yaks, compatriots working in the fields, and the distant scenery of Tibetan places such as fengma banner. I listened to the guide's hard explanation all the way. The 11 people in the car were also very excited, Near 12 o'clock, I arrived at the entrance of Gandan temple with great expectation, and was stopped by the staff on duty. They said that the temple was not open, so I had to return the same way. I was sad. The guide arranged to open a meal in advance, and ate a meal at the restaurant in the high-speed service area. The food was very ordinary.


After dinner, we went to the Xiasi temple in Linzhou County, which was not close. It took an hour and a half to arrive. The guide said it was a place for online red cards. The temple was not large, but rather small. The main hall was dedicated to unknown Bodhisattvas. The Buddha statue in the Center showed the old man's face. The hair and hair were white. Four female Bodhisattvas were surrounded on both sides, including the e-crown Bodhisattvas, the secret seal or the law enforcement device. The Dharma was merciful and solemn. I quickly worshipped and offered some humble offerings. Because I had not prepared in advance, The so-called offerings are only dry food that has not been eaten up on the road. Even the big cakes brought from Baoding are offered. Obviously, they are not solemn. But they are the only things you can carry with you. It is not a tribute. Bodhisattvas should not be surprised.


This is a nun temple. Just when they were having lunch in the kitchen, the guide took us in. Obviously, I felt a little disturbed. After two minutes, they came out. They also laughed when they were fasting. They had round red robes, purplish red faces and clear eyes. They lived in the Fangfan Temple in seclusion in the mountains. Their blessings and happiness were beyond ordinary people's understanding. There was a peach blossom in full bloom next to the stone steps in the temple. The white stamens were blooming and beautiful. The reason why Xia temple is called the "net red punch in place" is mainly because the pagodas beside the temple are different in size and height. There are more than a dozen pagodas, all of which are of Indian tower type. Unlike the Leifeng Pagoda in the West Lake, these pagodas have broad belly and sharp tops, cylindrical bodies, towering tops, white bodies and brown red tips. The highest one is more than 10 meters, and the lowest one is about 3 meters high. There are a large circle of prayer drums around the pagodas, with a total of more than 100. They walk around the pagodas while turning, According to the Buddhist Scripture, there is no limit to increase happiness and eliminate sin.


After visiting the summer temple, at about 3:00 p.m., the driver was not familiar with the road. On the way back, he lost his way and asked for directions for several turns. After 6:00 p.m., he returned to Lhasa. That night, I had a fever and went to the hospital again. This time, I strongly asked the travel agency to send someone to accompany him. Of course, I was not happy. Later, I saw that I was really sad. There was a girl in the travel agency who later claimed to be a fellow townsman in Nanyang. She was 22 years old and was not bad, It was she and a Chengdu boy who met me at the hospital. They stayed with me until nearly 2 o'clock in the morning of the next day. Thank you. After these two nights, the travel agency also asked me to leave the group, so I started traveling alone on the 16th.


The first stop is Zaki temple, the God of wealth hall. The image of Zaki ram worshipped is a little special. Fortunately, we all knew the legend of Zaki God of wealth a few years ago. At the suggestion of the stall man at the door, we bought a bottle of wine, a hada and a bundle of incense, entered the main hall, lined up with the pilgrims, and handed the wine to the monks. The monks poured the wine into a large wine jar, and hada threw it on the God of wealth himself. The incense was taken to the large stove outside the hall to be lit and inserted, The believers in the hiding place here poured the powder into the furnace with bags of incense from the God of wealth. The fragrance was diffused, and the vast expanse of white was so thick that they could not open their eyes. Zhaji temple is divided into three floors, and each floor is connected by wooden ladders. The ladder steps and handrails are smooth, which shows that there are an endless stream of believers. The statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva worshipped in the shop are different from those in Han China. They are collectively referred to as the gilded Buddha statues of Nepal, wearing a crown, a Buddha's clothes, a thin waist, a sharp nose bridge, and a bronze body. Of course, many Buddha statues are made of real gold, commonly known as "gilded gold". I also visited 6 temples. The common Buddha statues worshipped are: the Dalai Lama, the Qiangba Buddha, the four arm Guanyin, the Tara, the Zunsheng Buddha mother, the big white umbrella Buddha mother Ming King Dharma protector (six arm mahagala, horse head Ming king, Gesar king, etc.), of course, many Buddhist statues do not know. The main hall of each temple is very spacious and tall, with many pillars supporting the ground and roof. The monks recite scriptures in rows of cushions, on which are placed red monk's jackets and hats. The believers mainly provide butter. Many believers carry a warm pot of butter, and add some oil to each huge lamp, Each of the Tibetans holds a string of prayer beads and walks with incantations in his mouth. They worship the Buddha and chant words in the temple. From the perspective of space, the temples in Tibet are full of space, and there are many offerings and objects. The corridor in front of the Buddha statues is not very wide. Some people want to kneel down and kowtow and feel that they can't fit. It is also rare for Tibetan believers to kneel down and kowtow. Most of them bend over or stand and touch the Buddhist niche with their foreheads. However, there are always Tibetan believers who kowtow in three steps on the Potala Palace Square or at the entrance of the Jokhang Temple. No matter men, women, old or young, they have devout and pure Buddhist beliefs. In particular, the Tibetan old people who are 80 years old have snow-white hair, wrinkled faces, braided hair, a rosary in their left hand and a sutra tube in their right hand, Walking on the pilgrimage road, some of them are still hale and hearty with crutches, which is admirable and moving.


After leaving Zaji temple, I went to sera temple. It was a large temple. There were two main halls. One of the main halls needed to queue up. The queue was long and crowded. The space in the main hall was large. There were still red columns, red monks' clothes, gold bronze Buddha statues, and gold stupas inlaid with various gems and agates. There are precious murals or thangkas on the four walls, and butter lamps with big wheels. I saw the famous horse head Ming king in sera temple. I printed pictures for worship. Now I finally see the real person! Tibetan Buddhism is broad and profound. After all, it has limited contact with the Han people. Apart from feeling, the great and unique features of many temples can not be explained why they are exquisite? I also went to Xiaozhao temple, Potala Palace, Drepung temple, Naiqiong temple and Jokhang Temple. Xiaozhao Temple worships the Buddha's eight year old body, and I'm sure I'll never see the real body. The monks in Xiaozhao Temple wear different clothes and hats. Different from other temples, they lack oxygen on the plateau, and will gasp when walking fast. I feel a little dizzy when kneeling in front of the Buddha and then standing up. I think of the lively and vigorous manner when I worship the Buddha at Wutai Mountain and Putuo Mountain in Han, It's really incomparable that the body is in a healthy state. A lack of oxygen and altitude reaction will drag the body very tired. Therefore, it can't be considered pious to walk slowly and worship slowly in Lhasa temple.


I stayed at Drepung temple for the longest time. I took a taxi to the gate of Drepung temple at noon on the 17th, scanned the code and passed the security check. I refused to go up the mountain by car and chose to walk up the mountain. The slope is not steep, but it is not too fast. It is estimated that I will walk to the gate of the temple in half an hour. Drepung temple is also built on the mountain. There are many Buddha statues, mantras and auspicious patterns painted on the cliff. I was baptized and purified again in the main hall, When worshiping the Buddha, he said, "I've come here this time, and the altitude reaction has caused serious physical discomfort. Will I come again next time? I'm afraid I can't worship such a good Buddha again." he could not help but feel sad and shed tears. At the same time, the three doctrines of "impermanence of life, rarity of human body, and bad smell of Buddhism" came into my mind. After walking through the main hall, I made a circle along the stone steps behind the mountain and slowly went down the mountain. When I got down to the middle of the mountain, the snow began to fall. When I got down to the foot of the mountain, the goose feather snow was falling in profusion, and it was getting tighter and tighter. A Tibetan aunt had just come down from the mountain and hurried past me. I couldn't help but be inexplicably moved when I saw her back disappear in the wind and snow. This is the power of faith.


In the Potala Palace, I saw the largest stupa of the fifth Dalai Lama. In the Jokhang Temple, I saw the 12-year-old statue of the Buddha. The tourists were 6-7 meters away from the statue of the Buddha. The Buddha was worshipped in an independent hall. The door of the hall was covered with a large iron curtain and covered with gold. I happened to meet a young female believer who paid money to brush gold powder and gold. I also wanted to pay close attention to it. I was waved not to let it go. I was pleased to praise this female believer for her dedication and merits. Many worshippers kowtow and worship at the entrance of the Jokhang Temple. They bow down, push their bodies forward, stand up, and bow down again. Dozens of worshippers worship the Buddha at the same time, one after another, which is magnificent.


My pilgrimage to Tibet was just like this. It was not as smooth as I thought, but it was also a complete one. Every compatriot from the mainland came to Tibet with altitude sickness. But I was not the most serious one. On the contrary, it was commendable. Tibet is very big and mysterious. Compared with the sea, I only took a ladle. I hope I can enter Tibet again to study.


