
新华网4月21日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,网络是内容的消防栓,追踪你喜爱的页面并不容易。英国一群设计系的学生萌发了这样的概念化解决措施:Amoeba,它是一款电子单片眼镜,可以通过监测用户的生物性反馈,将其最感兴趣的页面整理归档。这多像你一直以来都想拥有的情感追踪版谷歌眼镜!








Electronic Monocle Uses Biofeedback to Track Your Favorite Websites

The internet is a fire hydrant of content. Keeping track of the pages you enjoy is a pain. A team of UK design students has a conceptual solution: Amoeba, an electronic monocle that files away the pages you find most interesting, as measured by your biofeedback response. It's the emotion-tracking Google Glass you always wanted!

Designed by Sanya Rai, Carine Collé and Florian Puech, students at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College, London, Amoeba packs three different types of sensors to monitor your emotional state. Heat sensors near your mouth measure how fast you're breathing, a camera pointed at your eye watches your pupil size, and a skin sensor monitors for increased perspiration.

By correlating your physiological response with the digital content you're consuming, Amoeba can figure out which sites and pages you find most interesting. Or breathtaking, or perspiration-inducing, or, I suppose, pupil-dilating.

"We envision that you would wear the Amoeba device before you start your web-based research," Sanya Rai explains on her website. "As you go through different webpages, the device senses your bio-data and quantifies your interest. When you are done, you can then go to the Amoeba app and select the keyword you were looking at."

"The app will show you a time-based summary of all links visited, layering them based on how interesting you found the content," Sanya explains. "You also have the option of seeing the route you took to arrive at a certain page, thus enabling better reflection and self awareness." In small tests, the team says a prototype of the device was able to correctly identify the article a subject found most or least interesting nine times out of 10.

The device as designed looks a little on the spacey side, but then again I'm sitting here with 38 tabs open, some of which I haven't actually looked at since before I filed my taxes. Maybe a monocle isn't such a bad look.


