
专题四 介词目标导航,我来为大家讲解一下关于中考英语介词系列讲解?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



专题四 介词




1. 表示在······时间,如年、月、季节、上午/下午/晚上等。例:

in 1985 在1985年 in May 在五月 in September,1999 在1999年九月

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上

in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春/夏/秋/冬季


The meeting will be held in China.这个会议将在中国举行。


The girl in red is my sister.那个穿红色衣服的女孩是我姐姐。


Mr Wang told us a story in English .王先生用英语给我们讲了个故事。


Jim is a little weak in Chinese.吉姆汉语有些薄弱。


in trouble 处于困境中 in danger 处于危险中


1. 表示在······时刻。如: at six o'clock 在六点钟

2. 表示·在·····地点。如:Let's meet at the station.我们在火车站会合吧!

3. 表示动作的目标和方向,有"对着·····"、"向·····"之意。如:

look at 看····· laugh at 嘲笑 aim at 瞄准

4.表示在·····方面。如:be good at 擅长

5.表示价格。如: The farmer sold the old horse at a low price.农夫以低价把老马卖了。


1. 指时间,表示在一个星期的某一天、节日以及具体的某一天。如:

on Friday 在星期五 on Ocotober 1,1949 在1949年10月1日

on Teachers' day 在教师节 on Women's Day 在妇女节

2. 表示地点,意为"在·····上面"。如:

There is a beautiful card on the table.桌子上有一张精美的卡片。


Mr Li will give us a speech on Chinese history.李先生将给我们作一场关于中国历史的演讲。

4.表示 "在从事·····中"。如:on business 出差 on hoilday 度假 on show 展览 on duty 值日


1. 和·····一起。如:

Mr Smith often goes fishing with his friends on Sundays.史密斯先生经常在星期天和朋友一起去钓鱼。


Cut the meat into pieces with a knife.用刀把肉切成碎片。


China is a country with a long history.中国是一个历史悠久的国家。

4. 伴随。如:

With these words,he left the room.说着这些话,他离开了屋子。


1. 用某种方式,后面跟名词或动名词。如:

He studies English by watching English movies.他通过看英文电影的方式来学习英语。

2. 被、由。如:

This novel is written by a famous Amercian writer.这本书是一个著名的美国作家写的。

3. 乘某种交通工具。如:

Mr Black usually goes to work by car.布莱克先生经常开车去上班。

4. 在·····旁边。如:

He is sitting by the window.他正坐在窗户旁边。


We had finished the work by 12 o'clock yesterday.我们在昨天12点之前已经完成那项工作。


by mistake 错误地 by accident 偶然地 by the way 顺便问一下

by oneself 独自 one by one一个接一个


1. 表示目的、意图,意为"为·····"。如:

I want to go back for my pen .我要回去拿我地钢笔。


Thank you for your help.谢谢你地帮助。


We ran for two miles.我们跑了两英里。

He has lived in Hefei for ten years. 他在合肥已经住了10年了。


Some students are for the plan ,others are against it.一些学生支持这个计划,另外一些学生反对这个计划。


look for 寻找 be good for 对·····有益 be late for 迟到 wait for 等候

•in 和after


The man left his hometown after a month.那个人一个月后离开了家乡。

My father will be back in a week. 我爸爸一个星期后回来。


在英语中,表示在某物体的不同方向用不同的介词:在某个物体内部的某个方向用in ;在某个物体外部的某个方向用to;与某个物体相邻用on。例:

Anhui lies to the south of Beijing.安徽位于北京的南部。

Japan is in the east of Asia. 日本位于亚洲的东部。

Jiangsu is on the east of Anhui. 江苏在安徽的东边。

across 和through


The army walked through the city in the midnight. 军队在深夜穿过那座城市。

The girl was very terrified when she went through the forest.小女孩在穿过森林的时候感到很害怕。

•besides 和except

besides和except虽然翻译成汉语都是"除了"的意思,但是意义却不同:besides包括除去的内容,其前面通常有other,another,any other 等词,而except不包括除去的内容,它前面通常有all,every等词。如:

We have two other new subjects besides chemistry this term.除了化学,我们这学期还学两门新课。

All of our classmates went hiking except Jim.除了吉姆外,我们所有的同学都去远足了。

•between 和among


There is a road between the supermarket and the bank.超市和银行之间有一条马路。

The teacher is standing among the students.老师站在学生们中间。

•for 和since

since意为"从······时起",后接表示过去的时间点,多用于完成时,而for 表示持续多长时间,后接时间段,可用于多种时态,但主要用于有延续性动词的现在完成时的句子中。二者有时可以进行转换。请比较:

He has lived in Hefei since ten years ago.

=He has lived in Hefei for ten years. 他在合肥已经住了10年了。

My father has worked in the factory since 1990.我爸爸从1990年起,一直在这个工厂工作。



He wrote the letter with a ballpen. 他用圆珠笔写那封信。

He asked his parents for money by writing a letter to them.他给他父母写信,向他们要钱。

The old man made a living by selling vegetables.那个老人以卖蔬菜为生。



He told us a story about the monkey and the tiger.他给我们讲了一个关于猴子和老虎的故事。

Mr gave us some advice on how to learn English.李先生就如何学好英语给我们提了些建议。


1. 动词+介词

talk about 谈论 worry about 担心 laugh at 嘲笑 knock at 敲

depend on 依靠 look after 照看 deal with 处理 look for 寻找

2. 动词+副词+介词

catch up with 赶上 do well in 擅长 look forward to 盼望 run out of 用光

3. be 形容词 介词

be good at 擅长 be good for 对······有益 be proud of 为······感到自豪

be different from与······不同 be pleased with 对······感到满意



1.We traveled all night to London and got there __________ Sunday morning. (2006•北京)

A. forB. onC. at D. to

2.I usually go to school ______ bike, but sometimes I go to school ______ foot. (2006•杭州)

A. with; on B. on; by C. on; with D. by; on

3._____Saturday morning, an earthquake killed 13 people ______Jiangxi Province. (2006•江西)

A. On; in B. On; at C. In; at D. In; in

4._______a player,I'm looking forward________the 2008 Olympic Games. (2006•天津)

A. For;at B. As;to C. With;for D. Of;to

5.She is planning on driving. Let's help her ____ some good ideas. (2006•资阳)

A. come out B. come up C. catch up with D. come up with

6.In Zhejiang there will be a new bridge over 30 kilometers long _______ Ningbo and Jiaxing. (2006•浙江)

A. beside B. between C. next to D. from

7.一Dad,look at the building.It is on fire.

一Call 119 mobile phone right now.(2006•泰州)

A.in B.by C.on D.with

8.Thanks _____ the Great Green Wall, the land produces more crops. (2006•徐州)

A. by B. of C. for D. to

9.一Have you seen my toy car,Bill?

一It's ______my way,so I put it _______.(2006•德州)

A. in ,away B.on,out C.in,out D.by away

10. 一Who's the man _______black? (2006• 肇庆)

一Oh,he is Mr Brown.

A. in B.on C.with

11.一Did you have breakfast this morning ?

一No,I got up late and went to school ________breakfast. (2006• 福州)

A.for B.in C.without D.after

12.一What would you do ________the lost library book?

一I would try to find it or pay _______it. (2006• 黄岗)

A.for,to B.about,for C.with,for D.with,to

13.________the help of the teacher ,he became a good student. (2006• 青海)

A.Under B.On C.with

14._______the morning of March 31,she made an important decision in her life. (2006• 沈阳)

A.Since B.In C.From D.On

15.All the clerks went home_____Mr Wang ,for he had to finish his work. (2006• 成都)

A.except B.besides C.without

16.Audrey Hepburn was born in Belgium __________ 4th May 1929. (2006• 苏州)

A. atB. in C. onD. from

17.I'd like a cup of coffee some sugar and milk.(2007•汕头 )

A.in B.to C.of D.with

18.– What's your speech , Dr. Smith?

– Tomorrow you will get it. (2007•淄博 )

A. byB. ofC. fromD. on

19.You can study the grammar ________ memorizing it. (2007•兰州 )

A. with B.by C.on D. at

20.The moon light is coming in the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful.(2007•成都 )

A.across B.through C.over

21.Oh, it's you, Ella! Your voice sounds very different _____ the phone. What's happening? (2007•杭州)

A. from B. in C. of D. on

22.– When did Hong Kong return to our motherland.'?

– ___July 1st, 1997. (2007•福州 )

A. On B. In C. At D. For

23.—Li Lei did very well in the English exam . —Oh , yeah ! He is ___________ English . (2007•北京 )

A. weak in B. angry with C. good at D. afraid of

24.Many sportsmen are getting ready ______ the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. (2007•重庆 )

A.to B.with C.for D.on

25.Many teachers believe that children learn_________ life, not just from their textbooks. (2007•乐山 )

A. of B from C. for D. with

26. Try to give its meaning when you meet a new word. Don't _____ your dictionary

all the time. (2007•沈阳 )

A. work on B. take on C. keep on D. depend on

27. — You never feel worried before an exam, how can you?

— Well, I've been working hard all the time. Surely I am ___________ any exam. (2007•宜昌)

A. busy with B. afraid of C. ready for D. interested in

28.What do you think life will be like ________ one hundred years? (2007•怀化)

A. on B. in C. at

29.—I hear you have got a ticket _______the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olypics.

—Yes,I got it _______my uncle. (2007•黄岗)

A.of,from B.to,by C.to,from D.of,to

30.The accident happened _______ a cold winter morning. (2005•陕西)

A. in B. on C. at D. of




