


评论翻译Bob SiddiquiStrongest is debatable but by f a the British screwed up the world the most out of all the empires. They stole trillions from India. Messed up the Middle East. Probably the only thing was through them America was established. Now America is on path for messing up world as well.最强大是有争议的,但英国在所有帝国中把世界搞得最糟。他们从印度偷了数万亿美元。搞砸了中东。也许唯一的事情是通过他们美国建立了。现在美国也在搞乱世界。Zaid DinallyI put the case that the Spanish Empire was the most powerful in consideration to challenges to the era and the precedent that was set.The Spanish state emerged from unx of the Crowns of Castile and Aragon. In the Reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula two important nations emerged, both Spain and Portugal.Spain joined the Austrian royalty called the Hapsburgs and the Crown held massive lands in the Holy Roman Empire. Furthermore the Spanish colonised what became the Spanish Netherlands (modern day Belgium and Netherlands). Austrian Hapsburgs held Belgium. Spain also already had Southern Italy or Kingdom of Two Sicily's.考虑到对这个时代的挑战和开创的先例,我认为西班牙帝国是最强大的。西班牙国家是由卡斯蒂利亚和阿拉贡的王室联合而成的。在对伊比利亚半岛的重新征服中,出现了两个重要的国家,西班牙和葡萄牙。西班牙加入了被称为哈布斯堡王朝的奥地利皇室,皇室在神圣罗马帝国拥有大片土地。此外,西班牙人殖民了后来的西班牙荷兰(现代的比利时和荷兰)。奥地利哈布斯堡王朝控制了比利时。西班牙也已经拥有意大利南部或西西里王国。Spain became the world’s first transoceanic empire with a foothold in every continent (excluding Antarctica). During the Iberian unx the Portuguese and Spanish possessions were incredibly extensive.In consideration the Spanish period really indicates the first time such an empire almost gained global hegemony even though there were formidable contemporary powers. Spanish power also lasted within middle of 18th century as they became dependant on French alliance. Yet the Hapsburgs dominated European continent in a way only France would do under Napoleon for a much shorter time. Only the powerful Ottomans had been an alternate power in Europe aside from Hapsburg Crowns.西班牙成为世界上第一个在所有大陆(不包括南极洲)都有立足点的跨洋帝国。在伊比利亚联盟时期,葡萄牙和西班牙拥有极其广泛的领土。考虑到这一点,西班牙时期确实标志着这样一个帝国第一次几乎获得了全球霸权,尽管当时有强大的当代大国。西班牙的势力也持续到18世纪中叶,因为他们开始依赖法国的联盟。然而,哈布斯堡王朝统治欧洲大陆的时间要短得多,只有法国才能做到这一点。除了哈布斯堡王朝,只有强大的奥斯曼帝国才是欧洲的替代力量。WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS?Before the rise of Anglo - French Empires we must fill in the gaps with the important Dutch Commercial and Naval Empire. In terms of Technology and Finance the Dutch jumped leaps and bounds. From here the emerging nations would benefit a lot such as England. That would take a long time bearing in mind the Dutch were responsible for challenging the Portuguese and Spanish naval dominance from middle of 1600’s. That is a daunting challenge of the time.Spanish and Portuguese contended with the Ottomans who were both keeping a balance in Europe. China was very powerful but did not fledge its power beyond East Asia.In the 19th century the British State gradually wrested the colonies of the French and Dutch. They were considered a ruling power, yet Tsarist Russia was also a colossus that could never be brought under western domination. Russian troops were marching in Paris during the close of Napoleonic War. Russia aided the Austrians in Hungary and almost gobbled up northern China. Only the Afghans and Persians stopped them going south.其他帝国呢?在英法帝国崛起之前,我们必须填补重要的荷兰商业和海军帝国的空白。在技术和金融方面,荷兰人突飞猛进。新兴国家将从中受益匪浅,比如英国。考虑到荷兰人从16世纪中期开始就要挑战葡萄牙和西班牙的海军统治地位,这需要很长时间。这是一个艰巨的时代挑战。西班牙人和葡萄牙人与奥斯曼人争夺,奥斯曼人都在欧洲保持平衡。中国非常强大,但并没有将其力量扩展到东亚以外。19世纪,英国政府逐渐夺取了法国和荷兰的殖民地。他们被认为是一个统治大国,但沙俄也是一个永远无法被西方统治的巨人。拿破仑战争结束时,俄罗斯军队正在巴黎行军。俄罗斯援助了匈牙利的奥地利人,几乎吞并了中国北部。只有阿富汗人和波斯人阻止他们南下。Contemporary nations such as Germany even before unification were not a geographically impressive yet arguable led in the technological and scientific revolution of 19th century. German ingenuity showed its impact especially in Chemistry and Physics. Hence even the smaller European nations were on a par with the greatest nations. United States was already the largest industrial nation and arguably largest economy supplanting China by 1870.There is a lot to explore here, although on balance the Spanish Empire, arguably the more immediate descendant of Roman Empire was the most impactful and strongest in history. The Dutch who won their bitter 80 years of Independence War against Spanish occupiers began the challenge against Habsburg invincibility in Europe and overseas.像德国这样的当代国家,即使在统一之前,在19世纪的技术和科学革命中也不是一个地理上令人印象深刻但有争议的领导者。德国人的独创性尤其在化学和物理方面发挥了重要作用。因此,即使是较小的欧洲国家也与最伟大的国家不相上下。到1870年,美国已经取代中国成为最大的工业国家和可以说是最大的经济体。这里有很多值得探索的地方,尽管总的来说,西班牙帝国,可以说是罗马帝国的直系后裔,是历史上最具影响力和最强大的。荷兰人在80年的独立战争中战胜了西班牙占领者,开始挑战哈布斯堡在欧洲和海外的不可战胜性。Henrey BradleyThe British Empire, there has never been a force as powerful on a global scale, and there probably never will be again.大英帝国,在全球范围内从未有过如此强大的力量,而且可能永远不会有。The British invaded Russia and won, they collapsed the monstrously powerful China, holding Hong Kong for a century.Hell, they took on the Spanish Empire at its highest point, seizing Gibraltar, smashing every Spanish army sent to reclaim the Rock and sinking every Armada sent to invade Britain.That''s right, that little bunch of islands went on a global rampage between the 17th and mid 20th century.The British beat everyone worth beating, they invaded the US and burnt down the Whitehouse. Heck, the British have invaded France so many times, that we''ve literally lost count.英国入侵俄罗斯并取得胜利,他们摧毁了强大无比的中国,将香港控制了一个世纪。见鬼,他们在西班牙帝国的巅峰时期挑战了它,占领了直布罗陀,粉碎了每一支被派去收复岩石的西班牙军队,击沉了每一艘被派去入侵英国的无敌舰队。没错,这一小撮岛屿在17世纪至20世纪中期在全球范围内肆虐。英国人打败了所有值得打败的人,他们入侵美国并烧毁了白宫。见鬼,英国人入侵法国的次数太多了,我们简直记不清了。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处The Indian Subcontinent was an economic and military world juggernaut, then the British invaded and took the entire thing. Eventually united it into a mega empire, the likes of which had never been seen before in Southern Asia.The Germans, French, Spanish, Italians, Chinese, Russians, Americans, Indians, Turkish, Pakistanis, and everyone else worth the effort was defeated. Some of them multiple times.The British were kicking arse as far back as 13th century, sending small professional armies of Welsh, Scottish and English warriors to invade the mightiest kingdom in Western medi Europe; France.Another key difference would be the fate of the Roman Empire, Spanish Empire, and the Mongolian Empire, all were eventually defeated and collapsed.印度次大陆是一个经济和军事大国,然后英国入侵并占领了整个世界。最终将其合并为一个庞大的帝国,这种帝国在南亚从未见过。德国人、法国人、西班牙人、意大利人、中国人、俄罗斯人、美国人、印度人、土耳其人、巴基斯坦人以及所有值得付出努力的人都被击败了。其中一些是多次。早在13世纪,英国人就开始蠢蠢欲动,派遣由威尔士、苏格兰和英国士兵组成的小型职业军队入侵中世纪西欧最强大的王国;法国另一个关键的区别是罗马帝国、西班牙帝国和蒙古帝国的命运,它们最终都被击败和崩溃了。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处While the British Empire managed to win every major war it fought, and in doing so, got to evolve into the Commonwealth. Today the former members help to lift one another up, cultivating prosperity, democracy and peace on a global scale.The former members of the only hyperpower in history, meet up annually to discuss global issues and beat each other at sports in their own version of the Olympics.虽然大英帝国成功地赢得了每一场重大战争,并在这样做的过程中演变成了英联邦。今天,前成员国相互帮助,在全球范围内培养繁荣、民主与和平。历史上唯一的超级大国的前成员每年都会开会讨论全球问题,并在自己版本的奥运会上在体育运动中击败对方。


