




《新概念英语》第一册是英语初阶,First Things First, 也就是我们学习英语打基础的阶段。它看似简单,但是如果我们教学方法不简单,那么收获同样是“不简单”!



英语“生词”或“单词”是 建设“英语大厦”的最基础材料,需要我们“一砖一瓦”,不断积累!



L2: pen, pencil :可以联想到其他“笔”,例如: ballpen (圆珠笔), brush(毛笔);

L3: Ticket : 可以想到:bus ticket(公共汽车票), air ticket(飞机票), ship ticket(船票), theatre (film) ticket(电影票), train ticket (火车票)等。

L4: school : primary shcool (小学), middle school(中学), high schoo(高中)。需要注意的是,这里“小学”不是 small shcool ,or little school,而是 :primary school. 或者 plementary school.

我们的"小学“ 应该属于初级教育,并不是small shcool ,or little school , 如果非要说small shcool ,or little school ,那是在说这个学校的面积或规模比较小,学生人生比较小等。

L5: green 更多的颜色词汇:white, black,grey, orange, yellow, pink.......

L29: bedroom: 更多的ROOM:dinning room, living room, sitting room, guest room, study room,.......

还有组合词:man: postman, milkman, salesman, workerman, foreman,superman, blue collar (man), white collar (man) 等。

短句: door to door service(门到门服务)、see eye to eye (观点一致)、 hand in hand (手拉手)、 shoulder to shoulder (肩并肩)、Great Wall ( 长城)、lazy-bone (懒骨头)等。


tidy:untidy; improtant: unimportant ; happy:unhappy ; sharp:sharpen ; work:worker ; teach:teacher watch: watcher ; make: maker ; engineer:engineering ; police:policeman, policewoman ; friend:friendly ;father:grandfather ;mother:grandmother ;sharp:sharpen, sharpener ;chair: armchair ;climb: climber


television=TV,电视 ;refrigerator=refrig,冰箱 ; sales rep : rep=representative n. 代表;众议员;典型 adj. 代表的;典型的;代表制的




L1: Excuse me? Sorry !


例如,我们在人员拥挤的火车站座位上,起身需要去上个厕所,周围到处是人,这时候便可以说“Excuse Me”或“Sorry”。 两种的区别是:Excuse Me, 有先给需要麻烦的人到招呼,请别人让个道,而 Sorry 则更多是已经打扰到别人 (例如有人在睡觉,你必须把他或她叫醒才能过去), 表示对别人的歉意,也就是先打扰了别人而后进行的道歉,同时自己马上可以方便地前行。

Excuse me? 和Sorry !看起来很简单,但是实际运用中还是有微小区别的,我们需要熟练掌握。


L5, too: One is never too old to learn: 活到老,学到老。

L9, today: Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事今日毕 (拖到明天更着急)!

L12,father: Like father,like son. 有其父,必有子! (父母是孩子的第一任老师,要做好表率作用); mother: Failure is the mother of success.(失败是成功之母)

L14, dog: Every dog has its day. 人人都要得意的时候。

L15,friend : A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情!

L20, grandmother: Dont' teach your grandmother how to suck eggs! 不要班门弄斧!

L27, window: God closes one door while opening another window for you. 上帝为你关上一扇门,同时也为你打开一扇窗!(上帝对每个人都是平等的)

L33: sun, shine : Make hay while the sun shines (趁热打铁, strike the iron when it is hot)

L34: wait: wait and see

jump: high jump, long jump (broad jump), triple jump ( hop,step, jump)

L35: between: just between you and me =Keep it secret.

L41: bread: a bread earner 挣钱养家的人。

L42:bird: A bird in hand is worth two in the bush 双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手。(落袋为安)

L48:apple: One apple a day keep doctor away.一天一苹果,医生远离我!

L51: rain: It rains cats and dogs 倾盆大雨。(雨下地真大,很形象的比喻)

L53: east:East , west, home is best ( 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝)

L53,late: Better latr than never 迟做比不做好。

L57,o'clock, clock: The processing factory operated around the clock until the order was filled. 那加工厂昼夜不停地赶工,直到把定的货物赶出来为止。

L61: look: (You'd better) look before you leap. (你最好)三思而后行

P63, better: It is better( to do sth) late than never. 迟做总比不做好。

P64: Work while you work, Play while play 工作时努力工作,放松时尽情放松。

All work and no play make jack a dull boy.的意思:只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

P94:Rome: Rome was not built within one day ( 罗马不是一天建成的, 冰冻三尺非一日之寒)。

P115: impossible: Nothing in the world is impossible if you put your heart into. (世上无难事,只要肯登攀)

P117, swallow ,吞下,燕子 。 One swallow doesn't make a summer. 一燕不成夏 (不要对某事过于乐观!)



Excuse me? Is this your .....? Parden ? Thank you very much.

Good morning,good afternoon, good evening, good night.

nice to meet you, glad to meet you, happy to meet you.

What is your nationality? Where do you come from ? Where are you from ?

I am a keyboard operator. I am engineer. I am a teacher. I am a worker. I am an office assistant. I am a sales reps.

Come here, come upstairs. Come here to have a cup of tea.

Here they are. Here we are. Here you are.

What's the matter ? What's the matter with you ?

No smoking. No littering. No drinking or eating. No parking. Don't do that ! Don't drop it!

Open the door. Shut the window. Close the window. Air the room. Dust the table. Sweep the floor.

What are you going to ? What are you planning to do ? What will you do tomorrow ?

Can you come here for a minitue? Can you type this letter ?

Do you like coffee ? Do you want a cup of tea? Do you want any milk? Do you like biscuits?

Do you want any beef or lamb ? Do you want a chicken ?

What about some steak? How about a glass of beer?

To tell you the truth. Be frankly speaking. To be honest with you.

What's the weather like in Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter? It is warm/hot/cool/cold

Go to work in the morning. Come home from school in the afternoon. Arrive home from the office in the evening.

What's the matter with Jim ? What's matter with you ?

Stay at home. Stay in bed. Remain in bed. Stay at hotel.

Come home early. Arrive home late. Go to office on time.


《新感念英语》的阅读就是每课的课文,这个需要大声地朗读,逐步形成一种语感,并且注意朗读时候的语音和语调! 另外,在教学的过程中,我多次提到过:Read between the lines ( 读出“言外之意”)。

Read between the lines,这个用语始于19世纪中期,据说与间谋和暗语有关。间谍为了保护机密信息,通常会使用一种隐形墨水,将机密藏在书面的文字之间。实际上,Lines 这里表示一行行印刷的文字,而在行与行之间是完全空白的地方,但是高手仍然可以“读出”这空白之处的隐含意思。我们来举一个例子说明 How to read between lines?

Lesson 87, A car crash ,课文中有这样的对话

ATTENDANT : Didn't you have a crash?

MR.WOOD :That's right .I drove it into a lamp-post.Can your mechanics repair it, sir?

ATTENDANT : Well, they're trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth, you need a new car!

课文讲述了MR.WOOD 发生车祸 (car crash)之后把车送到了 Garage (汽车修理厂)。MR.WOOD与汽修厂 ATTENDANT(接待员)的一段对话。这段简单的对话中,有两点是我们可以看得清楚明了:

第一,I drove it into a lamp-post.

这里用了 Drove into ,而不是 Drove to : 一个小小的区别是:介词 “into”与"to" 多了一个“in”,恰巧就是多了这一点,让我们可以读到“言外之意”!

第二,To tell you the truth, you need a new car!

实话讲,你需要(need)购买一辆新车。结合第一点,我们可以看出MR.WOOD 的车不仅撞坏了,而且撞得“一塌糊涂”,有可能发动机都撞“散架了”! 车子撞在路灯杆(lamp-post)上,介词 “into”可以清楚地表明,车子已经严重撞坏,甚至“进入”(into)了路灯杆里,保险杠当然早就给撞断了!如果是一般的车祸,修理小车大灯、保险杠、前盖等问题,对修理厂来说可以说是“小菜一碟”(a piece of cake),但是这里我们从课文的字里行间,能够“读懂”更多信息,这便是英文: read between the lines 的真实含义!

很多英语学习者只满足课文中的字面语言学习,殊不知,如果能做到 read between the lines, 则说明你的 English 已经开始从量变到质变了(from quantitative change to qualitative change)!希望英语爱好者或英语学习者早日做到 :read between the lines. 在字里行间寻找言外之意!



我从一开始学习英语,就十分重视英语“听说”训练,强调”听说领先,学好英语"(Speaking and listening should be given top-priority )。







我是@安地乒旅英语,在全国性报刊和电台中,多次发表过“听说领先,学好英语”的文章,欢迎英语爱好者关注我,Let us learn English from each other, and make more progress together!

