

中国国际电视台(CGTN)2019年末重磅推出大型系列专题片《与世界同行——70年的中国与世界》(英文片名:Common Destiny——China and the World in the Last 70 Years)。作为庆祝新中国成立70周年献礼片,《与世界同行》以五集的篇幅,每集52分钟的时长, 展现了1949年以来,中国与世界交往和关系的发展变化,阐述了中国与世界日益相互依存、互利共赢的关系。节目围绕构建人类命运共同体这一主线,从增进人文交往、支持自由贸易、促进资金融通、倡导文明互鉴、推动多边合作等五个方面,全面介绍了70年来中国与世界的互动以及这些互动给中国乃至世界带来的深远影响。

At year-end of 2019, CGTN began airing a documentary series "Common Destiny---China And The World In The Last 70 Years". In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, this five-part documentary features the ever-increasingly inter-dependent and mutually beneficiary relationship between China and the world since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. With the main theme of "building a community of shared future for mankind", it reviews the interactions between China and the world in the last 70 years and the long-lasting impact these interactions have had on China and the world. It elaborated from five aspects, namely, promoting people-to-people exchanges, supporting free trade, facilitating capital flow, advocating mutual learning among civilizations and pushing forward multilateral cooperation.


Common Destiny is structured based on people and stories, coupled with detailed historical facts, statistics and extensive interviews. Detailed contents for each episode is as follows:


Episode One: Seeing the World



In the past 70 years, as more and more Chinese stepped out of China to see the world, an increasing number of foreigners were also attracted to China to do business, study or travel. People-to-people exchanges have not only accelerated the economic development of China and the world, but also increased their mutual trust and understanding.


Episode Two: From the World’s Factory to the World’s Market


China steadfastly supports free trade and globalization. It is a beneficiary of globalization, and has become a large manufactory powerhouse and trading power. Made in China has provided the world with cheap but qualified products. With a population of 1.4 billion, China’s own development, on the other hand, has turned itself into a huge market for the world.


第三集: 开放的大门越开越大

Episode Three: Opening Wider to the World


China’s opening-up started with the practice of adopting foreign investment. Its economy has since been driven up and many foreign businessmen have reaped huge benefits from investing in China. Now, with decades of development, China has transformed itself from a sole foreign capital receiving country into one of the world’s major capital exporting countries.


Episode Four: Dialogue of Civilizations



Cultural exchanges and dialogue of civilizations have long been a major driving force for the development of mankind. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, it has been strengthening its efforts in this regard. China respects the diversity of civilizations and advocates dialogue among civilizations. It believes in the idea of pursuing harmony between differences and promoting development through communication.

第五集: 人类命运共同体

Episode Five: Community of Shared Future for Mankind



The idea of building a community of shared future for mankind as proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping represents a key world view held by China in the new era. It is in accordance with Chinese traditional values and reflects China’s vision for the fate and future of mankind. Since the People's Republic of China was founded 70 years ago, especially after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has made remarkable contribution to world peace and development. It actively participates in global governance and plays a constructive role in world affairs.


In less than half a year, the production team has filmed in 66 story locations in 16 countries and has traveled 13 provinces and municipalities within China. The team has interviewed nearly 100 guests from around the world. The total shooting material amounts to some 10 thousand minutes.



Airing time:

11:08a.m. BJT or 03:08a.m. GMT, Dec.27-31;

Rebroadcast time:

03:08a.m. BJT, Dec.28 to Jan.1 or 19:08a.m. GMT, Dec.27-31.


This documentary will be first broadcast in English and later followed by French, Russian, Arabic and Spanish editions.


