
一句“没意思(is)”引发的double kill!




学习宾语从句的初衷,是因为多年前的某个周一,被我师父问我“我觉得你能来是好事”怎么翻译,当时随口就说了,I think that you can come is a good thing,他回,我教你没意思,那个时候也是刚入职场的小白,被直接领导我的师傅这么说,瞬间社死了,还面对那么多人,当时年轻气盛,回了一句,没意思就不教啊·················,转了八圈,才知道那句话是“我教你,没 is”,职场中的double kill,小可爱们别笑,要脸!



当时暗暗发誓,对英语要生死看淡不服就干。多年后,我师父回想起来 “那是一个周二,我开始看见你眼里的光了”,大概就是这个样子吧。






  1. 上次说到了主语从句,还差了一个小尾巴,今天就补上,主语从句的虚拟语气

1.1,形容词,it is necessary/strange/hard/important that 从句(从句要用虚拟语气,即(should) 动词原形,should可以省略)

例如,掌握一门外语对我们来说很重要:it is important that we (should) learn foreign language

1.2,名词,it is a pity(可惜)/a shame(可惜)/no wonder(怪不得)that 从句(从句要用虚拟语气,即(should) 动词原形,should可以省略)

例如,你错过这次考试真可惜:it is a pity that you missed the exam

1.3,时间类, it is (about/high) time should 动词原形/过去式,什么意思呢

例如,我们该睡觉了,it is time that we should go to bed=it is time that we went to bed,两句话意思相同。


  • 人称代词(主格,I,宾格,him)
  • 物主代词(形容词性物主代词,his,her,名词性物主代词,hers,yours)
  • 反身代词(myself)
  • 相互代词(each other)
  • 指示代词(this,that)
  • 不定代词(any some,复合不定代词 someone anyone)
  • 疑问代词(whatever, whichever)
  • 连接代词(who, whom, whose)
  • 关系代词(which, that)


2.1 跟宾语有关的句子结构

2.1.1 主 谓 宾, 例如,I found the phone

2.1.2 主 谓 宾 宾语补足语,he got everything ready

2.1.3 主 谓 间接宾语 直接宾语, I don’t have any questions

2.1.4 主 系 表 从句, I am happy that you can come(通常指人的心理活动)

2.2 宾语从句可放的位置

2.2.1 主 谓 宾,从句放在谓语动词后

2.2.2 主 谓 宾 宾语补足语,从句放在谓语动词后

2.2.3 主 谓 间接宾语 直接宾语,从句放在谓语动词 名词后

2.2.4 主 系 表,从句放在表语后

2.3 宾语从句连词

  • 从句是陈述句:连词用that
  • 从句是一般疑问句:连词用whether/if
  • 从句是特殊疑问词:who, what, whose, which, when, where, why, how

2.4 小小补充

2.4.1 否定前移,例如,我认为他不是个幽默的人,需要将I think that he is not a humorous person改成,I don’t think that he is a humorous person

2.4.2 疑问词前移,例如你认为他去哪了,需要将do you think where he went改成,where do you think he went

2.4.3 疑问词 to do形式,例如我不知道我该如何告诉他,I don’t know how I can tell him =I don’t know how to tell him,但是前句改成后句需要两个先决条件,1.主句和从句的主语需要一致,2.还没发生的事,将来的事,(我不知道他会怎么告诉我,小可爱们试着自己造句吧)

2.4.3 主谓宾宾补从句,就是我师父让我在英语泥潭里越陷越深的那句话,“我觉得你能来是好事”,I think that you can come is a good thing(这是错的),I think that you can come a good thing,这是对的,不过一般避免头重脚轻,会写成这样I think it a good thing that you can come


1他说他明天会来he said that he would come tomorrow

2你什么时候意识到你错了的when did you realize that you were wrong

3你怎么发现他是个老师的how did you find out that he is a teacher

4他跟我说他不会回来的he told me that he wouldn't come back

5你为什么不告诉他你是个老师why don't you tell me that you are a teacher

6我没告诉你我很忙吗didn't I tell you that I was busy

7你真幸运娶了她you are so lucky that you married her

8他没告诉你你生气吗are you angry that he didn't tell you

9他向你撒谎你不失望吗aren't you disappointed that he lied to you

10我觉得他不是个乐观的人I don't think that he is an optimistic person

11你觉得我能学好英语吗do you think that I can learn English well

12你觉得他会去哪了呢where do you think he went

13你觉得他会买哪辆车呢which car do you think he will buy

14你觉得他什么时候回来的when do you think he came back

15你以为你是谁who do you think you are

16我没想到你会来I didn't expect that you would come

17我不知道他是不是老师I don't know if he is a teacher

18我们讨论了要不要给她打电话we discussed whether to call him

19我很担心他会不会生气I am worried if he will be angry

20他问我能不能帮他he asked me if I could help him

21我很好奇他会做什么I am curious what he will do

22你知道他做什么了吗do you know what he did

23我不知道该什么时候给他打电话I don't know when to call him

24那取决于他什么时候回来that depends on when he will come back

25我不知道他去哪了I don't know where he went

26那得看他在哪里买的这辆车that depends on where he bought the car

27我甚至都不知道他为什么生气I even don't know why he is angry

28他问我为什么不想见他he asked me why I didn't want to see him

29我不知道怎么告诉他这件事I don't know how to tell him the thing

30这取决于你工作多努力that depends on how hard you work

31我知道你是谁I know who you are

32你想知道我告诉谁了吗do you want to know who I told

33我觉得他能来是好事I think it a good thing that he can come

34我相信他说的话是真的I believe it true what he said


主语从句 is 表语从句=宾语从句

What I don’t know is that he is a teacher = I don’t know that he is a teacher



