
2、表示变化结果的系动词come,drop,fall, get, make, prove,turn,wear 等,我来为大家科普一下关于变化型系动词?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



2、表示变化结果的系动词come,drop,fall, get, make, prove,turn,wear 等

(1)come后常跟形容词 alive, easy, natural, right, true 等,还常跟表示“松开”意义的形容词或过去分词,如 loose, undone,unfastened,unhinged,unstuck, untied, unwrapped 等。

What we had hoped at last come true. 我们的希望终于实现了。

The buttons on my coat came unfastened. 我上衣的纽扣开了。

It comes cheaper if you have a season ticket. 如果你有季票,那就便宜些。

come 后有时跟介词短语。如

He is coming of age next autumn. 明年秋天他就是成年人了。


The child soon dropped asleep. 孩子很快就睡着了。

The old man dropped dead. 那老人死了。


The post of headmaster fell vacant. 校长的职位空缺。

The minister fell out of favour. 这个大臣失宠了。

The bullet fell wide of the mark. 这一子弹远未击中目标。

She fell victim to her desire for new clothes.她爱买新衣服,结果吃了大亏。

She fell an easy prey to him. 她很容易地落入他的魔掌。


She was getting an old woman. 她逐渐成了个老太婆。

We'll let you know as soon as production gets under way.生产一开始我们就告知你。

I got drunk for the first time in my life that night. 那天晚上是我人生中第一次喝醉酒。


Cold tea makes an excellent drink in summer. 凉茶是夏季的好饮料。

(6)prove用作变化结果的系动词,其后跟形容词、名词、of-短语和to be结构。

The article has proved most usefull. 事实证明这篇文章是非常有用的.

He proved a very usefull friend. 他是一个非常有用的朋友。

This book will prove of some use to you in your studies.这本书会对你的学习有用的。

He proved to be a coward. 原来他是个胆小鬼。

(7)wear作为系动词,表示“磨损”或“消耗”的过程或结果,其后常跟形容词smooth,thin 等。

The stone steps have worn smooth. 这些石头台阶已经磨光滑了。

His patience began to wear thin during the long wait.在长久等待中,他的耐性慢慢消失了。

(8)turn 用作表示变化结果的系动词时,有三种情况:


He almost turned green with envy. 他嫉妒的脸色发青。


He used to be a teacher till he turned writer.他过去是老师,直到后来成了作家。

When her servant left to have a baby, Lady Wilson had to turn cook. 当女佣离开去生孩子时,威尔逊夫人不得不当厨师。

c、turn out 作为系动词,表示“突然”或“意外”的变化,强调变化结果,意义是“结果是,最后的情况是”,其后可以直接跟形容词或名词,也可以用"turn out to be adj./n."如

The examination turned out easy. 结果考试很容易。

Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day. 虽然今天早晨像要下雨的样子,结果却是一个大晴天。


