类别:脚本大全 浏览量:555
时间:2021-10-23 10:19:41 用python实现atm银行系统
from view import view from atm import atm from person import person def func(view,atm,per): view.funcinterface() choice = input ( "请选择您要办理的业务:" ) if choice = = '1' : return per.checkmoney(atm) elif choice = = '2' : return per.savemoney(atm) elif choice = = '3' : return per.getmoney(atm) elif choice = = '4' : return per.transfermoney(atm) elif choice = = '5' : return per.changepassword(atm) elif choice = = '6' : return per.unlockaccount(atm) elif choice = = '7' : return per.closeaccount(atm) elif choice = = 't' : if per.exit(atm): return true else : print ( "输入有误!" ) def main(): # 管理员登录名为'admin',密码为'123' view = view( "admin" , '123' ) view.initface() atm = atm() view.login() per = person() while true: view.funcinit() choice = input ( "请选择您要办理的业务:" ) if choice = = '1' : per.newaccount(atm) elif choice = = '2' : if per.login(atm): while true: if func(view,atm,per) = = none: continue else : break elif choice = = '3' : per.findbackpassword(atm) elif choice = = '4' : per.lockaccount(atm) elif choice = = 't' : if per.exit(atm): # 管理员注销系统 if view.logout(): return true else : print ( "输入有误!" ) if __name__ = = '__main__' : main() |
''' 卡: 类名:card 属性:卡号【6位随机】 密码 余额 绑定的身份证号 手机号 ''' class card( object ): def __init__( self , cardid, password, money,identityid,phonenum,cardlock = 'false' ): self .cardid = cardid self .password = password self .money = money self .identityid = identityid self .phonenum = phonenum self .cardlock = cardlock |
''' 功能:读取文件cardinfo.txt的信息 方法:读、写、删 ''' from card import card import json # 读 class readcard(card): def __init__( self , cardid = ' ', password=' ', money=0, identityid=' ', phonenum=' ', cardlock=' '): card.__init__( self , cardid, password, money, identityid, phonenum, cardlock) def dict2card( self , d): return self .__class__(d[ "cardid" ], d[ "password" ], d[ "money" ],d[ "identityid" ],d[ "phonenum" ], d[ "cardlock" ]) def read( self ): # card对象转为字典 with open ( "cardinfo.txt" , "r" ,encoding = "utf-8" ) as fr: cards = [] for re in fr.readlines(): cards.append( self .dict2card( eval (re))) return cards # 写 class appendcard(card): def __init__( self ): card.__init__( self , cardid = ' ', password = ' ', money = 0, identityid = ' ', phonenum = ' ', cardlock=' ') def card2dict( self ,card): return { "cardid" : card.cardid, "password" : card.password, "money" : card.money, "identityid" : card.identityid, "phonenum" : card.phonenum, "cardlock" : card.cardlock } def append( self ,card,w = 'a' ): # 默认是追加,如果w='w'就清空文件 if w = = 'w' : with open ( "cardinfo.txt" , "w" , encoding = "utf-8" ) as fa: fa.write('') else : with open ( "cardinfo.txt" , "a" , encoding = "utf-8" ) as fa: json.dump(card, fa, default = self .card2dict) fa.write( '\n' ) # 删 class del ( object ): def del_( self ,cardid): readcard = readcard() cards = readcard.read() for card in cards: # 删除输入的卡号 if cardid = = card.cardid: cards.remove(card) break else : print ( "卡号不存在!" ) return false # 重新写入文件 appendcard = appendcard() appendcard.append(' ',w=' w') for card in cards: appendcard.append(card) return true |
''' 人 类名:person 行为:开户、查询、取款、存储、转账、改密、销户、退出 ''' class person( object ): def __init__( self ,name = ' ',identity=' ',phonenum=' ',card = none): self .name = name self .identity = identity self .phonenum = phonenum self .card = card # 登录 def login( self ,atm): card = atm.login() if card: self .card = card return true else : return false # 开户 def newaccount( self ,atm): return atm.newaccount() #找回密码 def findbackpassword( self ,atm): return atm.findbackpassword() # 查询余额 def checkmoney( self , atm): return atm.checkmoney( self .card) # 存钱 def savemoney( self , atm): return atm.savemoney( self .card) # 取钱 def getmoney( self , atm): return atm.getmoney( self .card) # 转账 def transfermoney( self , atm): return atm.transfermoney( self .card) # 销户 def closeaccount( self , atm): return atm.closeaccount( self .card) # 挂失 def lockaccount( self , atm): return atm.lockaccount() # 解锁 def unlockaccount( self , atm): return atm.unlockaccount( self .card) # 改密 def changepassword( self , atm): return atm.changepassword( self .card) # 退出系统 def exit( self , atm): return atm.exit() |