pythonhtml文件分析(对Python3 解析html的几种操作方式小结)
对Python3 解析html的几种操作方式小结html">解析html是爬虫后的重要的一个处理数据的环节。一下记录解析html的几种方式。
#把传递解析函数,便于下面的修改 def get_html(url, paraser = bs4_paraser): headers = { 'Accept' : '*/*' , 'Accept-Encoding' : 'gzip, deflate, sdch' , 'Accept-Language' : 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8' , 'Host' : '' , 'Proxy-Connection' : 'keep-alive' , 'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36' } request = urllib2.Request(url, headers = headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) response.encoding = 'utf-8' if response.code = = 200 : data = StringIO.StringIO( gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj = data) data = value = paraser(data) # open('E:/h5/haPkY0osd0r5UB.html').read() return value else : pass value = get_html( '' , paraser = lxml_parser) for row in value: print row |
The lxml XML toolkit is a Pythonic binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt. It is unique in that it combines the speed and XML feature completeness of these libraries with the simplicity of a native Python API, mostly compatible but superior to the well-known ElementTree API. The latest release works with all CPython versions from 2.6 to 3.5. See the introduction for more information about background and goals of the lxml project. Some common questions are answered in the FAQ. [官网](
def lxml_parser(page): data = [] doc = etree.HTML(page) all_li = doc.xpath( '//li[@class="yingping-list-wrap"]' ) for row in all_li: # 获取每一个影评,即影评的item all_li_item = row.xpath( './/li[@class="item"]' ) # find_all('li', attrs={'class': 'item'}) for r in all_li_item: value = {} # 获取影评的标题部分 title = r.xpath( './/li[@class="g-clear title-wrap"][1]' ) value[ 'title' ] = title[ 0 ].xpath( './a/text()' )[ 0 ] value[ 'title_href' ] = title[ 0 ].xpath( './a/@href' )[ 0 ] score_text = title[ 0 ].xpath( './li/span/span/@style' )[ 0 ] score_text = '\d+' , score_text).group() value[ 'score' ] = int (score_text) / 20 # 时间 value[ 'time' ] = title[ 0 ].xpath( './li/span[@class="time"]/text()' )[ 0 ] # 多少人喜欢 value[ 'people' ] = int ( '\d+' , title[ 0 ].xpath( './li[@class="num"]/span/text()' )[ 0 ]).group()) data.append(value) return data |
def bs4_paraser(html): all_value = [] value = {} soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser' ) # 获取影评的部分 all_li = soup.find_all( 'li' , attrs = { 'class' : 'yingping-list-wrap' }, limit = 1 ) for row in all_li: # 获取每一个影评,即影评的item all_li_item = row.find_all( 'li' , attrs = { 'class' : 'item' }) for r in all_li_item: # 获取影评的标题部分 title = r.find_all( 'li' , attrs = { 'class' : 'g-clear title-wrap' }, limit = 1 ) if title is not None and len (title) > 0 : value[ 'title' ] = title[ 0 ].a.string value[ 'title_href' ] = title[ 0 ].a[ 'href' ] score_text = title[ 0 ].li.span.span[ 'style' ] score_text = '\d+' , score_text).group() value[ 'score' ] = int (score_text) / 20 # 时间 value[ 'time' ] = title[ 0 ].li.find_all( 'span' , attrs = { 'class' : 'time' })[ 0 ].string # 多少人喜欢 value[ 'people' ] = int ( '\d+' , title[ 0 ].find_all( 'li' , attrs = { 'class' : 'num' })[ 0 ].span.string).group()) # print r all_value.append(value) value = {} return all_value |
3,使用SGMLParser,主要是通过start、end tag的方式进行了,解析工程比较明朗,但是有点麻烦,而且该案例的场景不太适合该方法,(哈哈)
class CommentParaser(SGMLParser): def __init__( self ): SGMLParser.__init__( self ) self .__start_li_yingping = False self .__start_li_item = False self .__start_li_gclear = False self .__start_li_ratingwrap = False self .__start_li_num = False # a self .__start_a = False # span 3中状态 self .__span_state = 0 # 数据 self .__value = {} self .data = [] def start_li( self , attrs): for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'class' and v = = 'yingping-list-wrap' : self .__start_li_yingping = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'item' : self .__start_li_item = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'g-clear title-wrap' : self .__start_li_gclear = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'rating-wrap g-clear' : self .__start_li_ratingwrap = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'num' : self .__start_li_num = True def end_li( self ): if self .__start_li_yingping: if self .__start_li_item: if self .__start_li_gclear: if self .__start_li_num or self .__start_li_ratingwrap: if self .__start_li_num: self .__start_li_num = False if self .__start_li_ratingwrap: self .__start_li_ratingwrap = False else : self .__start_li_gclear = False else : self .data.append( self .__value) self .__value = {} self .__start_li_item = False else : self .__start_li_yingping = False def start_a( self , attrs): if self .__start_li_yingping and self .__start_li_item and self .__start_li_gclear: self .__start_a = True for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'href' : self .__value[ 'href' ] = v def end_a( self ): if self .__start_li_yingping and self .__start_li_item and self .__start_li_gclear and self .__start_a: self .__start_a = False def start_span( self , attrs): if self .__start_li_yingping and self .__start_li_item and self .__start_li_gclear: if self .__start_li_ratingwrap: if self .__span_state ! = 1 : for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'class' and v = = 'rating' : self .__span_state = 1 elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'time' : self .__span_state = 2 else : for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'style' : score_text = '\d+' , v).group() self .__value[ 'score' ] = int (score_text) / 20 self .__span_state = 3 elif self .__start_li_num: self .__span_state = 4 def end_span( self ): self .__span_state = 0 def handle_data( self , data): if self .__start_a: self .__value[ 'title' ] = data elif self .__span_state = = 2 : self .__value[ 'time' ] = data elif self .__span_state = = 4 : score_text = '\d+' , data).group() self .__value[ 'people' ] = int (score_text) pass def sgl_parser(html): parser = CommentParaser() parser.feed(html) return |
class CommentHTMLParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser): def __init__( self ): HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__( self ) self .__start_li_yingping = False self .__start_li_item = False self .__start_li_gclear = False self .__start_li_ratingwrap = False self .__start_li_num = False # a self .__start_a = False # span 3中状态 self .__span_state = 0 # 数据 self .__value = {} self .data = [] def handle_starttag( self , tag, attrs): if tag = = 'li' : for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'class' and v = = 'yingping-list-wrap' : self .__start_li_yingping = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'item' : self .__start_li_item = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'g-clear title-wrap' : self .__start_li_gclear = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'rating-wrap g-clear' : self .__start_li_ratingwrap = True elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'num' : self .__start_li_num = True elif tag = = 'a' : if self .__start_li_yingping and self .__start_li_item and self .__start_li_gclear: self .__start_a = True for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'href' : self .__value[ 'href' ] = v elif tag = = 'span' : if self .__start_li_yingping and self .__start_li_item and self .__start_li_gclear: if self .__start_li_ratingwrap: if self .__span_state ! = 1 : for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'class' and v = = 'rating' : self .__span_state = 1 elif k = = 'class' and v = = 'time' : self .__span_state = 2 else : for k, v in attrs: if k = = 'style' : score_text = '\d+' , v).group() self .__value[ 'score' ] = int (score_text) / 20 self .__span_state = 3 elif self .__start_li_num: self .__span_state = 4 def handle_endtag( self , tag): if tag = = 'li' : if self .__start_li_yingping: if self .__start_li_item: if self .__start_li_gclear: if self .__start_li_num or self .__start_li_ratingwrap: if self .__start_li_num: self .__start_li_num = False if self .__start_li_ratingwrap: self .__start_li_ratingwrap = False else : self .__start_li_gclear = False else : self .data.append( self .__value) self .__value = {} self .__start_li_item = False else : self .__start_li_yingping = False elif tag = = 'a' : if self .__start_li_yingping and self .__start_li_item and self .__start_li_gclear and self .__start_a: self .__start_a = False elif tag = = 'span' : self .__span_state = 0 def handle_data( self , data): if self .__start_a: self .__value[ 'title' ] = data elif self .__span_state = = 2 : self .__value[ 'time' ] = data elif self .__span_state = = 4 : score_text = '\d+' , data).group() self .__value[ 'people' ] = int (score_text) pass def html_parser(html): parser = CommentHTMLParser() parser.feed(html) return |
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