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时间:2022-01-20 00:32:58 python批量创建字典
Python编写合并字典并实现敏感目录的小脚本0x00 起因
0x01 代码
import osimport time import argparse import optparse def Time(n,p): pat_time = p - n minute = pat_time / 60 hour = minute / 60 print ( int (hour), '小时' , int (minute % 60 ), '分钟' , int (pat_time % 60 ), '秒' ) def __O__(path): #遍历目录,包括目录里的子目录 f = os.listdir(path) #查看路径下所有文件及目录 D = open ( 'D.txt' , 'w' ) F = open ( 'F.txt' , 'w' ) for i in f: fil = os.path.join(path,i) #dir是绝对路径 if os.path.isdir(fil): #如果fil是目录加入到D里 D.write(fil) __O__(fil) #继续执行当前函数 if os.path.isfile(fil): #如果是文件,加入到F里 F.write(fil) D.close() F.close() def type_txt( file ,path): #传入路径,文件名(列表) try : n = time.time() print ( ' 准备执行!' ) path_list = [] #存放需要打开的文件 di = {} date_list = [] dict_li = [ 'new_php.txt' , 'new_asp.txt' , 'new_aspx.txt' , 'new_jsp.txt' , 'new_dir.txt' , 'new_mdb.txt' ,] #合并的字典列表 for i in dict_li: di = [] for h in file : #合并给的路径及文件名 fn = os.path.join(path, h) path_list.append(fn) for j in path_list: #循环需要打开的文件列表 print ( ' 文件为:' ,j) with open (j, 'r' ) as f: date = f.readlines() print ( ' -t 当前执行文件为: ' + j, '数量:' , len (date)) for i in date: #读取每一行 af, aq = os.path.splitext(i) #分裂成路径及后缀名 aq = aq.lower() if i ! = '\n' : #如果没有换行符会加上 if '\n' not in i: i = i + '\n' aq + = '\n' if aq = = '.php\n' and i not in di[ 'new_php.txt' ]: #判读后缀名并通过后缀名放到相应的字典中,同时判读字典对应的文件列表中是否存在,如果是False则加入进去 di[ 'new_php.txt' ].append(i) elif aq = = '.asp\n' and i not in di[ 'new_asp.txt' ]: di[ 'new_asp.txt' ].append(i) elif aq = = '.aspx\n' and i not in di[ 'new_aspx.txt' ]: di[ 'new_aspx.txt' ].append(i) elif aq = = '.jsp\n' and i not in di[ 'new_jsp.txt' ] : di[ 'new_jsp.txt' ].append(i) elif (aq = = ( '.ini\n' or '.xml\n' or '.cgi\n' or '.log\n' or '.db\n' or '.mdb\n' or '.sql\n' or '.xml\n' or '.htm\n' or '.html\n' or '.bak\n' or '.dbf\n' or '.zip\n' or '.rb\n' or '.js\n' or '.css\n' or '.html?\n' )) and i not in di[ 'new_mdb.txt' ]: di[ 'new_mdb.txt' ].append(i) elif i not in di[ 'new_dir.txt' ] : di[ 'new_dir.txt' ].append(i) f.close() except (UnicodeDecodeError) as e: print ( "字典文件中有错误请检查是否是字典" ,e) di1,fi = os.path.split(path) print ( ' 分类完毕......准备写入' ) for key in di: #写入到文件中 o = open (key, 'w' ) for i in di[key]: o.write(i) Time(n, time.time()) def dir_txt(path): #传进去路径,返回来的是路径下的后缀为txt的文件。如果没有则是当前路径。 dir_txt = [] a = os.listdir(path) for i in a: dd, ff = os.path.splitext(i) if ff = = '.txt' : dir_txt.append(i) return dir_txt def password( file ,path): try : path_list = [] password_list = [] for i in file : pathl = os.path.join(path,i) path_list.append(pathl) print ( " 开始去除重复....." ) for i in path_list: #重复每一个给定的密码文件 F = open (i, 'r' ) txt = F.readlines() F.close for j in txt: #读取每一个密码文件,并且判读是否存在于password_list列表,如不存在则放进列表 if '\n' not in j: j + = '\n' if j not in password_list: password_list.append(j) print ( " 完成,并且准备写入。" ) file = open ( 'Password.txt' , 'w' ) #打开即将写入的Password.txt,把passowrd_list列表数据全部写入进去 for i in password_list: file .write(i) file .close print ( " 运行完毕。" ) except : print ( " 请检查文件是否存在,路径是否正确。" ) def Optparse(): try : parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( """把字典分类:new_php.txt,new_asp.txt,new_aspx.txt,new_jsp.txt,new_mdb.txt,new_dir. -t -path C:\\x\\x\* -t -path C:\\x\\x -file xxx.txt,xx.txt """ ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( '-p' ,action = 'store_true' , help = '密码合并' ) #-p 和-t参数是互相排斥的,并不能一起使用。 group.add_argument( '-t' ,action = 'store_true' , help = '后台目录字典合并' ,) parser.add_argument( '-file' , type = str , help = '输入的文件' ,required = False ) parser.add_argument( '-path' , type = str , help = '你所指定的目录' ,required = False ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.t: #判读t是否真 if args. file = = None : path, file = os.path.split(args.path) dir__txt = dir_txt(path) type_txt(dir__txt,path) elif args. file ! = None : list_file = args. file .split( ',' ) type_txt(list_file,args.path) elif args.p: #判读p是否真 if args. file = = None : path, file = os.path.split(args.path) dir__txt = dir_txt(path) password(dir__txt,path) elif args. file ! = None : list_file = args. file .split( ',' ) password(list_file,args.path) else : print ( " 错误请检查输入。" ) except (KeyboardInterrupt): print ( ' 以退出' ) |
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